Net Of Light


“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud


In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.

Photo by NancyL

Equinox Prayer

On this day
may you be held
in the harmony
of light and dark
in the balance
of life and death.

May you stand
in peace
believing for one day
that all good things
are possible
that all opposition
has its counterpart
that you will be healed.

May you pause
on this day
to feel the turning
of the wheel
to hear the singing
of the stars
to stand in the center
and fully know

~ Rebekah Myers,
“Equinox Prayer”



Goddess Nu Kua

Chinese legends tell us that when the heavens and earth were separated, the Goddess Nu Kua made the first humans out of clay made from mud from the Yellow River. Her breath and Yin became the first women; Her breath and Yang became the first men.

She is said to have the upper body of a woman, and the lower body of a serpent or dragon. (Similar to the Mesopotamian Goddess Tiamat).

Creatrix Nu Kua re-established order on the earth after a terrible rebellion. She melted stones to rebuild the sky, used tortoise toes to mark the four directions, and reeds to hold back overflowing rivers. Once this was done, the earth returned to its former beauty.

Nu Kua plays her sacred flute, spreading good fortune and opportunity, and creating order from chaos.

“There is a Way
and I am that Way
the Way of Nature that moves in all things
In the beginning
I created the universal pattern
the Way things are
the Way things flow
the Way things need to be

I sequenced the seasons
harmonized the hillsides
organized the oceans
till all was auspiciously arranged
I am the natural order of things
I am the Way.”




Source: The Goddess Oracle by
Amy Sophia Marashinsky
and Wikipedia
art by Hrana Janto

Listening to the Land Recording

Take a guided shamanic journey with me into the heart of the land beneath our feet – the sacred body of Mother Nature.

Call on the ancient forest goddess Green Tara for help and guidance. Green Tara lives at the heart of wild, untamed lands. She will hold and guide you on this journey into the heart of Mama Earth.




Contemporary Green Tara image
by Olga Zelinska, Russia

Magical Full Moon

Magical full Moon in watery Scorpio. And a lunar eclipse amplifies her magic.

Moon energy will be deep and wild for the next few days under the thrall of Scorpio. Stop and tune into the tidal pull of the moon within your watery body. Can you feel her?

To absorb a bit of lunar Scorpio magic, perform a simple moon water ritual tonight:

Place a covered jar or bowl of water outside in the moonlight (or on a moonlit windowsill). In the morning, retrieve and drink it. Thank the moon for blessing you and cleansing you.

