Let’s Go Get Her

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a cartwheel
hair flying
in full tumble
throwing yourself
with mad delight
into the arms of
wind and spirit

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a starkeeper
your wishes alone
kept the stars aloft
in a velvet sky
of invitation and belonging

you knew the sylvan
truth of fireflies
and trailed their
golden lantern path
over silvered meadow
into to the lullaby
of fairyland

the moon was a
grandmother from a tale
you still remembered
watching over your every move
look! you said. Look!
everywhere we go
the moon follows us
all the way home

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
acorns were goblin hats
trees were secret keepers
clouds were sky puppets
butterflies and honey bees
were emissaries of otherwhere
guarding the old stories
adults had already forgotten
to remember

once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you moved through
the world like it was
your back yard
elbows made of frolic
knees made of wonder
fingers and toes a whirl
of color and possibility

your mind was full of
and your heart was full
of Oz
your body was still
a playground
and a confidant
and a friend

remember her?
she got lost somewhere
between the shame
and the sin
but she’s still there
cartwheel smile
moonbeam soul
fairy tale girl
in love with
her own life
in love with you
bawdy and soul

she’s still in there
daring, brazen
wild with

~Ang Sullins

Net Of Light


“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud


In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.

Photo by NancyL

Sovereign Power

“We don’t need someone to show us the ropes. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Deep inside us we know the feelings we need to guide us. Our task is to learn to trust our inner knowing.”

~Sonia Johnson


Leo New Moon Wisdom

Relax into this moment, this place
Shine your light
Share the fire in your heart
Be your big, badass soul-self
And just keep shining.



Image by HolgaJen,
Available on Etsy

Your Secret Signature

Photo by NancyL

“If you allow yourself to be the person that you are, then everything will come into rhythm. If you live the life you love, you will receive shelter and blessings. Sometimes the great famine of blessing in and around us derives from the fact that we are not living the life we love, rather we are living the life that is expected of us. We have fallen out of rhythm with the secret signature and light of our own nature.”

~John O’Donohue,
Anam Cara

Mountain Waters Dreamt Me by NancyL


An Act of Revolution

“The reason it is hard to love yourself is because you cannot walk away from yourself. You have to sit within your skin through every painful emotion, every second of disgust and still find pieces of yourself to love through the wreckage.

This is why loving yourself is an act of revolution. It is telling yourself you deserve love even in the places you do not think are worthy love.”

~Nikita Gill


Image by Maartje van Dokkum