Nihilistic New Moon in Scorpio

Image by Fiona Hsieh

New moon in Scorpio, shamanic queen of dark, raw emotions and shadow work. Wild geomagnetic storms are bombarding us. And Uranus and Saturn continue to stir the pot. It’s crazy out there.

You may be feeling like everything is pointless, sad and bleak. But you’re simply exhausted from months of global chaos. Your nihilist shadow part has come out to dance for a day or two. It’s time to shed a skin.

Be gentle with your inner nihilist. Love yourself enough to hold your dark side close and listen to what it has to say. Underneath the pain, there is wisdom in your dark.

Allow yourself to weep, wail and gnash your teeth over the state of the world and your life. Yes, it’s true; a lot of things are f&%ked up. And it’s hard to see how this ends well. So weep and wail and lament your fate..

Yes there is darkness. But every good thing you do, every kindness you share ripples out and creates more light. So be kind to yourself and honor your darkness.

Time to shed the skin you’ve outgrown and see what’s underneath.




Snakeskin – Wikimedia Commons

Emotional Harvest Moon

Image by Katsiaryna Naliuka

Harvest full moon in watery, emotional Pisces is conjunct Neptune. The fiery chaos of the past few months has finally quieted down a bit. The prevailing energies flow with dreamy, surreal emotions.

Over the next few days, a convergence of energies occurs that creates a healing portal or nexus point.

Pay attention to how you react to people and events this week. Do you have an odd or oversized reaction to something? Pause and look closely at anything that upsets you. Is your reaction about here and now? Or some earlier unresolved event? Charged childhood and/or past life memories may surface and bleed into current events.

Whatever surfaces, whether from this lifetime or another, it is arising to be healed. Spend time examining, honoring and loving whatever arises. It will be time well spent.

Watery Yin New Moon

New moon in nurturing, watery Cancer. Time to slow down and love up yourself.

You may be feeling confused, emotional, exhausted. After all, you’re only human. The past year has been filled with so much stormy change and chaos. How could you not be affected by wave after wave of change?

Try not to think so much. Rest and regroup. Get watery. Relax in water, drink water, move like water. Remember, you ARE mostly water. Reconnect with watery, flowing ways of being.

Go with the flow of how you’re feeling. Give yourself time and space to emotionally process everything that has happened to you in the past year. Clear the decks before the next wave hits.


Wave image by Nancy L

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…



Passionate Full Moon

Full moon in dark, mysterious, magical Scorpio. If you’re a bit confused, know that you’re not alone. We’re all in the thick of it. Wild, erratic energies are afoot and nothing is simple or straightforward.

Things are primal and strange. And all the passion can be quite seductive. But don’t let yourself get sucked in and do something crazy. Now is NOT the time to make big dramatic moves.

Breathe and ground into your physical body. Keep breathing and grounding. Wait for the energies to calm before you act.



Image: Leopard
Creative Commons

Dreamy New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces. Venus and Neptune (ruler of water and dreams) are hanging out nearby.

Expect your feelings to run wide and deep. Give yourself space to feel whatever bubbles up. Simply breathe and acknowledge the feelings that surface. No need to judge or fix them; just allow them to express and they will pass through you like a spring storm.

A Pisces new moon is also the perfect time to try conscious dreaming. Before going to sleep, set an intention to remember a dream or two. Ask for dreams of guidance and insight regarding your next steps and what the future holds for you. Or ask for help with a problem you’re experiencing.

Put paper and pen near your bed so you can jot down any images, phrases, or insights that come to you in your dreams. You will be amazed at the wisdom your dreams have to offer.



Image: detail from Green Woman Dreams
by Nancy L