New Moon in Fiery Aries

New moon in Aries, the fiery warrior for spiritual truth and justice.

Where are you out of alignment with your truth?
What parts of you need to be reclaimed and healed?
Are you using your innate wisdom and power in everyday life?
How can you embrace and honor your sovereign self?

Set intentions for what you want now.

Tell Me

“Tell me it is not too late.
Tell me the sisters are awakening.
Tell me the moonlodge is rebuilt.
Tell me that the words of White Buffalo Calf Woman were not in vain.
Tell me that Kwan Yin’s heart is not breaking.
Tell me that Venus is safe.
Tell me that Artemis roams free in the woods.
Tell me that Lilith is welcome at your table.
Tell me that you remember that pleasure is holy to me.
Tell me that you refuse to believe that you delight in pain.”

~ Susun S Weed


Image: Lady of the Beasts
by Kleitias 570-560 BCE

Magical Full Moon in Gemini

Wild full moon in Gemini, the shape shifting, trickster fairy.

The fire of a Sagittarius Sun continues to burn bright and hot, fueled by the air of a Gemini Moon. But what will we do with all this fiery, transformative energy?

During the holidays, old hurts and pain tend to knock at our door. We can use all this fiery energy to fuel old hurts and resentments. That painful dance is a tradition as old as Yule.

Or… we can choose something new this year; We can choose to drop our old stories and use the fire to create a magical new tradition for ourselves.

We can love and honor ourselves and our needs. And when we’ve filled ourselves up with love, it will spill out of us and spread into the world, blessing everyone around us.

We can use the magic of Moonlight and Fire to turn this time into a season of love. Or not. It’s our choice.


Image by Remedios Varo

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse

This full moon in earthy, sensuous Taurus will be eclipsed later tonight, becoming almost completely engulfed in the shadow of planet Earth.

This eclipse window is an extremely potent time. You may already be roiling with emotion. At times like these, emotional issues come up asking for resolution and healing.

You can use the amplified energy of this time to take an honest look at your life. Have you been irresponsible or careless with others in some way? Or with yourself?

Be kind and gentle with yourself as you take an unflinching look at your behavior. This is a chance to own and forgive old mistakes or misconceptions that have been weighing you down.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Nihilistic New Moon in Scorpio

Image by Fiona Hsieh

New moon in Scorpio, shamanic queen of dark, raw emotions and shadow work. Wild geomagnetic storms are bombarding us. And Uranus and Saturn continue to stir the pot. It’s crazy out there.

You may be feeling like everything is pointless, sad and bleak. But you’re simply exhausted from months of global chaos. Your nihilist shadow part has come out to dance for a day or two. It’s time to shed a skin.

Be gentle with your inner nihilist. Love yourself enough to hold your dark side close and listen to what it has to say. Underneath the pain, there is wisdom in your dark.

Allow yourself to weep, wail and gnash your teeth over the state of the world and your life. Yes, it’s true; a lot of things are f&%ked up. And it’s hard to see how this ends well. So weep and wail and lament your fate..

Yes there is darkness. But every good thing you do, every kindness you share ripples out and creates more light. So be kind to yourself and honor your darkness.

Time to shed the skin you’ve outgrown and see what’s underneath.




Snakeskin – Wikimedia Commons