Embodied Love

Ripe Peach
Peach by Nancy L

We all have direct access to the totality of spirit; it is breathing us right now.
There is nothing we have to make up or believe in in order to realize our true nature…

Merely watching other people feast at the table will not relieve your hunger.
When you bring teachings into embodied practice,
you eat the fruit, you digest the fruit, and you become the fruit
–that is real spiritual transformation.

~Chameli Ardagh

Eat the fruit, digest the fruit, LOVE the fruit, become the fruit… and transform. 

In the end, Love is key.  Love is what transforms us.

How Will I Be in the World Today?

What is Compassion?

“The problem in America isn’t just that hate is speaking so loudly;
it’s that love is speaking too softly.”  

~Marianne Williamson.

I am not responsible for other people’s happiness or healing, I am not responsible for their problems or pain. And yet every interaction I have with another person can be healing or hurtful depending on how I choose to be with that person.

Am I open hearted and authentic? Am I distracted and disinterested? Am I mean and hateful? I chose. And what I choose affects my entire world.

We ‘do’ so much to get praise, we ‘do’ to distract ourselves, we ‘do’ to convince ourselves of our own worth – if only we could relax and just BE! Just BE our big beautiful selves in this moment. Stop trying to get somewhere else or be someone different. Just BE.

The cosmic joke is that all our pushing and striving to accomplish so much matters far less than how kind we are to other people – and to ourselves. But we’re so busy pushing to finish our to-do list that we lose sight of basic love and kindness. We don’t have time to be kind, we’re too busy to stop and open our hearts. In the process of hurrying towards our next goal, we strip our lives of what truly matters.

Love is the Force that Binds the Universe Together.
Love is the Source of all Things.
Love is God. God is Love.

The Seven Pathways to Peace

Chautauqua Poppies by Nancy L

You are always praying; thought itself is prayer.
Whatever you focus your mind on, increases.
To change the world, change your thoughts about the world.
If you want to experience peace—become peace.
Peace is always present, though sometimes hidden.
Love is the only force in the universe.
The world is already healed.

~James Twyman

Eternal and Boundless

Stardust and Starlight
M78: Stardust and Starlight by Stephan Messner

You are made of stardust and miracles!  Open up and embrace the magic that is your true essence.

Learn to look beyond your physical body and feed the passions of your Soul. Pause, get still and reconnect with the flow of your Soul.

“Our spirits come to Earth from the Sky Nation,
traveling from the Spirit World like shooting stars.”

~Grandmother Wisdom Keeper in
The 13 Original Clan Mothers

Stop Doing and Start Being with yourself for a few moments each day. Take the time to reconnect with your True Self. Follow the dreams of your heart; pursue whatever makes your heart sing. Open up to the joyful knowing that who and what you are goes far beyond the limits of this reality. 

Learn more about the art of the pause here.