Card Draw for Aquarius Moon Cycle

Divination for the collective
drawn on January 21.

Raven – creation, magic, illumination
Bear – healing, divinity, invulnerability

Choose the card that calls to you. What word or words come up for you? What qualities of that animal do you possess?

The word that came up for me was cunning. This describes both Bear and Raven – although they express cunning quite differently.

Meditate or journey and ask what wisdom that animal holds that will help you navigate this month.



Cards Animal Spirits Knowledge Deck
Images painted by Susan Seddon Boulet.

Emotional Full Moon in Cancer

The Moon’s Daughter by Seb McKinnon

Full moon in watery, emotional Cancer, the sign of the nurturing mother.

Expect your emotions to run high. You may be super sensitive and a bit off balance. Little upsets may seem huge.

Mother yourself. Shield yourself from the meanness of others until you feel stronger. Draw on your spiritual support. Hold your inner child close.

You’ve got this.



New Moon, New Cycle

Auspicious new moon in earthy Capricorn. This new moon follows closely on the heels of winter solstice. A new solar cycle and moon cycle begin together.

What message does Capricorn, the sovereign queen of the zodiac, wish to share with you?

Take time to contemplate what you want to keep and discard in the new year. What’s working for you? And what needs to be left behind in 2022?

Don’t act yet – just consider your options. How can you embrace your badass inner queen more deeply? How can you create a life that’s more authentic and true to you?

Trickster Full Moon in Gemini

Image by Katsiaryna Naliuka

Full moon in airy trickster Gemini. Lorna Bevan at Hare in the Moon Astrology described the energética of this time so well, I want to share her words here.

Sending 🌙💗 to you in these wild times.

“Footfalls echo in the memory, down the passage we did not take, towards the door we never opened, into the rose garden. What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” TS Eliot.

Welcome to the Wasteland, the In Between, the Zero Point….. whatever you call this place of stillness, suspended in time without movement or momentum. Not until January 2023- when Mars, Mercury and Uranus turn Direct on the 12th,18th and 22nd -will we be released from this place of no escape from the here and now.

For those of us who constantly seek newness, distraction and busyness in order to outrun reality, this is challenging. So many of your old tricks which always got immediate results in the past, are no longer working. That time-line, that energy is now deleted. The feeling of loss and lostness is caused by the fact that the old outdated patterns within you cannot find a resonance field now the old timelines are gone.

What we are really experiencing is the ending of multiple planetary cycles in preparation for an influx of new energy in March 2023 when the Great Eliminator Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1798 and Lord of Time and Karma Saturn enters Pisces for the first time since 1994.

In December, pushing the river is pointless. It’s a time for tying up loose ends of all kinds, for completing incompletions, for weeding out old entanglements that keep you stuck or small. Deeply letting go means looking at what needs to change without guilt or judgement.

Wipe the Slate Clean….

Make 2 lists: What you need to resolve or eliminate and What you are compelled to create.

You are now in a moment where you get to review, rethink and recreate just about anything you want. This may involve any facet of your life. You can’t so easily relate to your past anymore. Your soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. It’s a blessing because it is making room for new memories. It is freeing you up.

Ask yourself:

what’s heavy, weighing me down?
what am I tolerating, putting up with or settling for?
what am I fantasising about leaving or radically changing?
what would I love to never do again?
what is chronically inflamed?
what am I tired of feeling, and what makes me feel that way?
what is dead in the water?
what no longer has traction?
what’s the one thing I’m afraid to say about my life and what am I going to do about it?”

~Lorna Bevan M.A.

Playful Sagittarius New Moon

New moon in Sagittarius, the fiery adventurer.

There is a social, communal feel to this moon time. It’s not the usual ‘contemplate your navel’ new moon.

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself suddenly wanting to explore a new place or a new topic. Perhaps you can simply stop working and play awhile?

And don’t let Thanksgiving feast prep get in the way of fun. Add a bit of singing, dancing and goofing off to your cooking and cleaning regimen.

Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.

Don’t be Jack.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full moon in earthy, sensual Taurus. A total lunar eclipse will be visible in North America in the early morning hours of Tuesday. AND the sun is sitting in Scorpio communing with Venus.

All of this makes for an intense few days. Expect to feel stirred up and emotional. Be gentle with yourself. Stay grounded – root deep.

Make time every day to do whatever calms you; reading a good novel, taking a bubble bath, going for a hike in nature, meditating, practicing yoga… whatever calms your mind and relaxes your body.

You may receive insights during the peak eclipse energy. Don’t try to force it – just be open to ah ha’s and new ideas that surface.

Now is NOT the time to make big life decisions. Save those for another week.


Image: full moon over standing stones
Calanais, Isle of Lewis.
Artist unknown

New Moon And Eclipse in Scorpio

New moon and Venus in Scorpio, the sign of the shaman / sorceress / witch. And a partial solar eclipse adds heat to the cauldron.

Focus on Self and Soul; use meditation, yoga, breath work, dance, time in nature to help you drop in and contemplate.

What do you need to release? Now is the time for letting go.


Jaguar Image by Susan Seddon Boulet