New Moon of Justice

New moon in Libra, the wise, airy queen of Justice and balanced relationships. Is it a coincidence that Justice and our ideas about right and wrong are being debated on both the US and British political stages right now? Perhaps the Libra queen, Justice herself, is schooling us.

The queen of Justice holds the scales of balance in one hand. She uses the sword held in her other hand to cut through deception and illusion in order to expose the truth. Owl, ancient symbol of wisdom, sits on her shoulder guiding her actions as she restores balance to the world.

What does Justice look like and feel like when she shows up in your personal life? Now is the perfect time to align more closely with your definition of Justice. When you acknowledge and serve Justice, balance and peace of mind naturally follow.


New Moon in Leo

New moon in fiery Leo, the king of all he surveys.

As summer reaches its zenith, you may feel the need to DO something big and dramatic to shift things. But with Venus and Mars in the underworld and a host of retrograde planets, now is simply not the ideal time for big, consequential actions. 

Do whatever it takes to maintain your balance. Eliminate some of the excessive stimulation bombarding you. Chill out. Slow your roll. Think everything through.

Get yin to counteract the yang of this time.


Equinox Full Moon

Seek Balance

Spring Equinox full moon in Libra,
lover of equality, balance and fairness in all things.

Day and night are roughly balanced at the equinox point.
Seek balance within as well by calming
and nurturing yourself in whatever way works for you.

Also, take time to celebrate the return of spring! 



Image: Wildwood Tarot Card

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra, the airy sign of balanced relationships.  With so much polarizing information swirling around you, it can be difficult to maintain your inner balance. This new moon is the perfect time to pause and listen for the wisdom of Soul within.

Ask how you can restore your own balance so you can relate to others from a calm neutral space.


Tarot Card for this Libra New Moon

Page of Vessels

contemplate, envision, open to new perceptions


Nature's Colors

Ayni is a beautiful little word.
Ayni is the art of living in balance within and without;
Living in right relationship with Self, Soul and World.

Click on the link below to listen to a wonderful little talk; Two well-known shaman discuss Ayni and Shamanism as the Art of the Soul:  Interfaith Radio