Aquarian Full Moon #2

Full moon in airy Aquarius, the visionary. This is the second Aquarian full moon this summer. To complicate matters, Jupiter is also in Aquarius moving retrograde,

Aquarius is all about freedom, but nothing feels free or easy right now. Rough, ratchety energy is running high. 

You may not be able to focus clearly on the future or envision anything right now. Craziness abounds on a global level.

Breathe! Take a break from the news. Keep calm and carry on. This energy shall soon pass.


Image: Full Moon Vibes
West of the Divide by Nancy L

Capricorn New Moon

New moon in earthy Capricorn, the sign of the ancient grandmothers.

What would your great-great grandmother say about the chaos and uncertainty we are all experiencing right now?

This too shall pass.

Time to get deeply grounded in the physical world. What do you see, hear, taste, smell, feel in this moment? Focus on your senses and the physical world. Keep coming back to the physical whenever you feel upset or off balance.

Keep breathing. Keep moving. Don’t let yourself freeze up.

One step at a time.


Image: Susan Seddon Boulet

Emotional Full Moon in Cancer

Full moon in watery, emotional Cancer, the nurturer. After many months of pandemic chaos and confusion, bruised and battered parts of your psyche need to be held close and nurtured now.

You may feel the urge to take care of family, friends, your community – the entire world. But the nurturing needs to begin with you.

Give yourself space to express any feelings you submerged or suppressed in 2020. You did what you needed to do to survive job shifts, financial insecurity, election mayhem, lockdowns and loneliness. Use this full moon time to grieve and make peace with everything that has happened to you.

Honor yourself and your journey. Take time to grieve and release the traumas and dramas of the past year. Make peace with 2020, so you can experience more joy and love and peace in the new year.

“Tears are a river that take you somewhere… somewhere better, somewhere good.
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés


Initiatory Full Moon in Taurus

Full moon in earthy Taurus on Halloween. The moon is visiting with Uranus, a powerful agent of change. Meanwhile, the sun is in wise and witchy Scorpio. 

Our cultural initiation continues.

During normal times, full moons stir up sensitive humans (just ask an ER nurse how crazy people get during full moons). And these are wilder than normal times. A contentious US election is just around the corner. The COVID pandemic is worsening as well. You can bet that this full moon will deliver more chaos and crazy surprises.

Time to get physical.

The antidote to chaos and craziness is to ground in the physical world. Focus on physical movement : walking, jogging, dancing, squats, yoga, weight lifting, etc. Eat grounding foods such as carrots, potatoes, beets and other root vegetables. Sit or lie down on the ground and feel it’s support. Become a creature of the soil and rocks again.

Your ancestors can also be a great source of grounding support. The veils between the worlds are especially thin right now, making it a great time to honor and connect with your ancestors in some way. Every family has ancestors who survived floods, droughts, famine, wars, pandemics and more. Reach out to them now for guidance and support.

Come back to ground.

Dark Moon in Virgo

Dark moon time in Virgo, keeper of Earth’s cycles and rhythms. Mama Earth turns towards autumn in this seasonal time of letting go. Honor the shift with an Earth prayer or offering of gratitude.

Fiery change is all around us. Tend gently to your heart. Call on your spiritual support to help hold a vision of the future you desire. Remember that when chaos reigns, anything is possible.

Open your heart again and again. Help others when you’re able. And when you don’t feel able, ask for help. Now is the time to begin loving our world whole.



New Moon in Cancer Redux

New Moon in watery, emotional Cancer for the second time this season. Two new moons in the same sign is rare. In addition, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all sit in opposition in the sign of Capricorn, the shaper. The dismantling of the status quo is speeding up and intensifying. Old structures and mores are crumbling.

No, things won’t go back to normal any time soon. What we call “normal” is in the midst of being blown up and recreated piece by piece. Our old life — the one that seemed so rock solid — is now splitting and shifting beneath our feet.

If you had your ideal life, what would a normal week look like, feel like, taste like to you? Ruminate on what is most important to you in life and love. Consider all the ways you might fit those priorities into your new normal.

A better way is possible.


Who Is In Control?

For many of us, this may be the first time in our lives that we have felt so little control over our own destiny and the destiny of those we love. This lack of control initially feels like a loss, a humiliation, a stepping backward, an undesired vulnerability. However, recognizing our lack of control is a universal starting point for a serious spiritual walk towards wisdom and truth.

To be in control of one’s destiny, job, or finances is nearly an unquestionable moral value in Western society. The popular phrase “take control of your life” even sounds mature and spiritual. It is the fundamental message of nearly every self-help book. On a practical level, it is true, but not on the big level. Our bodies, our souls, and especially our failures teach us this as we get older. We are clearly not in control, as this pandemic is now teaching the whole planet.

Learning that we are not in control situates us correctly in the universe. If we are to feel at home in this world, we have to come to know that we are not steering this ship. That teaching is found in the mystical writings of all religions. Mystics know they are being guided, and their reliance upon that guidance is precisely what allows their journey to happen. We cannot understand that joy and release unless we’ve have been there and experienced the freedom for ourselves.

~Richard Rohr



Image: Desert Electric
by Jessie Eastland