Gratitude for Time and Light

The Word

Down near the bottom
of the crossed-out list
of things you have to do today,

between “green thread”
and “broccoli,” you find
that you have penciled “sunlight.”

Resting on the page, the word
is beautiful. It touches you
as if you had a friend

and sunlight were a present
he had sent from someplace distant
as this morning—to cheer you up,

and to remind you that,
among your duties, pleasure
is a thing

that also needs accomplishing.
Do you remember?
that time and light are kinds

of love, and love
is no less practical
than a coffee grinder

or a safe spare tire?
Tomorrow you may be utterly
without a clue,

but today you get a telegram
from the heart in exile,
proclaiming that the kingdom

still exists,
the king and queen alive,
still speaking to their children,

—to any one among them
who can find the time
to sit out in the sun and listen.

~Tony Hoagland
in Sweet Ruin, 1992

Image: Pacific Sun
by Nancy Lankston

Full Moon – The Grandmothers Are Calling

Full moon tonight in earthy Capricorn, the shaper. The energies are amplified by a penumbral eclipse of the moon, visible in North America.

The deep feminine wisdom of the grandmothers is calling to you now. As old structures and rules are dismantled all around you, the grandmothers ask you to get clear about what you truly want.

What do you want in your world? Get grounded in this reality and then envision a new future unfolding before you.

Do you see a faint path headed in the direction of your truth? Follow it!

How can you begin to shape and build the future you desire? Transformation only requires you to take one tiny step at a time.

Nothing is impossible with the ancestral grandmothers by your side. Ask for their guidance and support.

🌙 ❤️


Image: detail from my painting, Dreaming True.

New Moon in Cancer

A New Portal Opens

New moon in Cancer, the nurturing mama. This new moon is amplified by the annular solar eclipse that occurred right after the moon reached zero point in Cancer. New moon energies of change and transformation are running even higher than normal.

This natural seed point is the perfect time to get still and examine your current life. Think about what you want to seed and grow.

What is not serving you that you can now release?
What do you want to turn your energy and focus toward?
What do you want to add to your life?
What does your Soul crave?
How can you move in that direction, even if it’s only a few baby steps?

This time is a portal into your future. Allow yourself to ponder, fantasize and dream about which door you will choose to step through.

Cancer is a watery, highly emotional sign. Be gentle with yourself as you ponder your life and your future.



2017 BLM Protest image by Jonathon Bachman

A poem for our times from Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

–When someone says, “We’re saying the same thing.”
Say, “We are not saying the same thing.”

–When someone says, “Don’t question, just have faith.”
Say, “I am questioning, vato, and I have supreme faith in what I think.”

–When someone says, “Don’t defy my authority.”
Say, “There is a higher authority that I follow.”

–When someone says, “Your ideas are seductive.”
Say, “No, my ideas are not seductive, they are substantial.”

–When someone says, “Your ideas are dangerous.”
Say, “Yes, my ideas are dangerous, and
why are you so afraid hombre o mujer? ”

–When it is said, “It’s just not done.”
Say, “It will be done.”

–When it is said, “It is immature.”
Say, “All life begins small and must be allowed to grow.”

–When it is said, “It’s not thought out.”
Say, “It is well thought out.”

–When they say, “You’re over-reacting.”
Say, “You’re under-reacting, vato.”

–When they say, “You’re being emotional.”
Say, “Of course I have well placed emotions, and by the way, what happened to yours?”

–When they say, “You’re not making any sense.”
Say, “I don’t make sense, I am the sense.”

–When they say, “I can’t understand you when you’re crying.”
Say, “Make no mistake, I can weep and be fierce at the same time.”

–When they say, “I cant understand you when you’re being so angry.”
Say. “You couldn’t hear me when I was being nice, or sweet or silent, either.”

–When someone says, “You’re missing the point.”
Say, “I’m not missing the point, but you seem to be missing my point — What are you so afraid of?”

–When someone says, “You are breaking the rules.”
Say, “Yes, I am breaking the rules.”

–When someone says, “That’s not practical.”
Say, “It’s practically a done deal, thank you very much.”

–When it is said, “No one will do it, believe you, or follow it.”
Say, “I will do it, I will believe in it, and in time, the world may well follow it.”

— When it is said, “No one wants to listen to that.”
Say, “I know you have a hard time listening to that.”

–When it is said, “It’s a closed system, you cant change it.”
Say, “I’m going to knock twice and if there is no answer, then I am going to blow the doors off that system and it will change.”

–When it is said, “They’ll ignore you.”
Say, “They won’t ignore me and the hundreds of thousands who stand with me.”

–When they say, “It’s already been done.”
Say, “It’s not been done well enough.”

— When they say, “It’s not yet time.”
Say, “It’s way past time.”

–When they say, “It’s not the right day, right month, right year.”
Tell them, “The right year was last year,
and the right month was last month,
and the right day was yesterday,
and you’re running behind schedule, vato,
and what in the name of God and all that is holy are you going to do about it?”

–When they say, “Who do you think you are?” —
tell them …
tell them who you are,
and don’t hold back.

–When they say, “I put up with it, you’ll have to put up with it too.”
Say, “No, no, no, no.”

–When they say, “I’ve suffered a long time and you’ll have to suffer too.”
Say, “No, no, no, no.”

–When they say, “You’re an incorrigible, defiant, hard to get along with, unreasonable woman … ”
Say, “Yes, yes, yes, yes …

and I have worse news for you yet —
we are teaching our daughters,
and our mothers,
and our sisters …
we are teaching our sons,
and our fathers,
and our brothers,
to be

Do You

No need to hurry. No need to sparkle.
No need to be anybody but oneself.”

~Virginia Woolf

Tattoo Image: आत्मता  मति 
share the prayer of you

Full Moon of Relating

Airy full moon in Libra, lover of fair, egalitarian relationships. In the midst of pandemic chaos, all of our relationships have been altered. But within chaos, deep lasting change is also possible.

Examine your relationships. How do you choose to move through the world and relate to others?How do you relate to Mama Earth and all her creatures?

Most important of all, how do you relate to your own heart, body and Soul? Your relationship with your Self is key to whatever you wish to create in this life.

Look deeply, unflinchingly, lovingly at all your relations. Now is the time.

Leo Full Moon

Full moon in audacious fiery Leo, the sign of royalty.

Place yourself at the center of your own life. Rule it! Own your power, your wisdom, your grace.

Stop playing small. It’s time to shine, beautiful one. Shine your light far and wide.