
“My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you.
What are the words you do not yet have?
What are the tyrannies you swallow day by day
and attempt to make your own,
until you sicken and die of them,
still in silence?

… And at last you’ll know with surpassing certainty
that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth.
And that is not speaking.”

~Audre Lorde
feminist poet

Now is the Time — the Fierce Feminine

THIS.   This is the antidote to all the bigotry, hatred and fear in America right now.  Thank you Chameli. ❤️

The moment you take a stand for what really matters to you,
you step into Sankalpa Shakti, a current of infinite creativity and energy.
By committing to what matters to you and stepping two feet in,
you access the very power needed to live out your Sankalpa.  

So what keeps us sitting on the fence?  

I have witnessed in myself and in my practice sisters
how we minimize the value of our path and our wisdom
when we cannot find confirmation from the outside;
how we are still waiting for approval,
comparing the fresh kiss of spirit that we are offered
in the intimacy of our own practice with the outdated models of spirit
embodied by men only. We are still moving in circles, repeating the past.

We tend to avoid that one scary step outside the circle of the known,
into the rush of self-arising wisdom expressed through us.
Are we secretly hoping that someone else will do it for us?

~ Chameli Devi Ardagh


Chameli’s recent TED Talk, The Fierce Face of the Feminine:

I Confess… I Hated Her


I confess… I was s Hillary Hater. For Years.  It’s true. And after Bernie lost, I was heartbroken. I wondered how I could ever support bitch Hillary?

But now I am wholeheartedly with Hillary.

How did this shift happen? Well, back in June, I read several truly nasty reports about Hillary, and I got suspicious. My Bullshit Meter went off. Hillary was being cast as truly evil. And very very few people are truly evil.

So I began to dig. And do research on Hillary. On her life and her work. I read scads of articles. I watched interviews with her and about her. And what I discovered is a woman I admire deeply. She is dramatically different from the evil caricature that the Republican Party wants you to buy. She is a deep thinker with a huge heart.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is one strong, caring  #BadassWoman.  And you know what?



Moral of my story? Don’t believe everything you hear. Don’t be snowed by propaganda. Do your own digging. Question everything. Search out the truth.

#ImWithHer        #GOHillary       #Clinton2016         #BadassWomenUnite