Fiery Warrior Moon


Elemental Force

‪Fiery full moon in Aries, the sign of the #badass spiritual warrior.
Our souls are burning — burning for justice, for truth, for love, for change.

Time to Step up, Speak out and Fight for what you believe in.‬

Step up.  ‪It’s time.‬


Dance of Light and Dark

Tonight, a Leo new Moon and a partial eclipse of the Sun.

Sacred dance of Light and Dark in our Sky.


Moon and Sun square Jupiter in Scorpio

with 6 planets in retrograde

and yang Mars squaring wild card Uranus.

Time  to reset.  Tie up loose ends and clear the decks.  Clear first and then set new intentions. Choose what you want to focus on going forward.

This current Earth-Sun-Moon cycle is 

“a call to dig deep and be fiercely honest about
what needs to change inside so that the outside can follow.” 

~Kate Rusko

“a beautiful window within which to set intentions around
a higher vibration of self-love and acceptance.”

~Cayelin Castell


More thoughts on this new moon / eclipse time.


Expansive Full Moon

Revel in this ‪expansive full moon in Sagittarius, the sacred archer.

Now is a great time to expand your life’s quest.

Go after what you truly want to create in your life.

Breathe deep and leap into action!‬

‪ ‬


Fiery Aries New Moon

This fiery warrior new moon in Aries also has
Uranus nearby, stirring things up.
You may be feeling chaotic, off-balance, wild.
When things get this crazy, it’s time to “go to ground.”

Calm yourself with daily exercise, yoga
or some other physical activity.
Better yet, spend time walking or sitting
with Mother Nature.
She will calm you.



Brigid’s Blessing

Brigid's Cross
Brigid’s Cross

May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.

In February the ancient tribes of Europe celebrated Imbolc and the return of spring. Imbolc marks the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. It falls on February 3 in 2017.

Brigid is the Pagan Goddess / Catholic Saint that the Celtic people associated with Imbolc. In Celtic tales, Brigid is said to have been born at daybreak. She rose into the sky with rays of fiery sun beaming from her head. As an infant, Brigid was fed with milk from a sacred cow from the fairy realm. It is also believed that  small flowers and shamrocks would appear wherever the Goddess Brigid walked. As a sun Goddess,  Brigid’s gifts are light (knowledge), inspiration, and the healing energy of the sun. Brigid is also associated with sacred healing waters. There are many springs and wells named after her in the British Isles.

Whether seen as a Goddess or Saint, Brigid commands the power of both fire and ice.  You can honor Imbolc and Brigid by lighting a candle and offering gratitude that spring is on its way.
