Waves of Her

When your soul was born,
it was like a still ocean that had yet to experience
its infinite life.

Goddess then came to the shore of your soul and
gazed upon the
immaculate splendor that Her divine heart

She then took off her clothes and dove into you.

Nothing on their own have your arms ever done,
the movements of your feet are caused
by the waves She stirred.

~St. Teresa of Avila

Nine Dreams

Green Woman Dreams

River in flood carries me to a new mountain.
Mountain holds me and whispers,
Bringer of the fairy light
Learn to hold the valley… learn to hold.

I rest in the lap of Isis 
Sacred mother of all
Tears flow and heal.

Blood river of my ancestors
Washes over me, through me
Dark Goddess smiles.

Just dance your dance.
Just dance your dance.

I am drumming my sister awake
Blooming hills surround
Bee priestesses dance
And Her honey flows.

~Nancy Lankston


Blessings of the Dark

Today I am grateful for:
1. The dark half of the year. Time to slow down, dream, reflect, contemplate. #Darkness

2. Welsh Goddess Arianrhod. She lives in a wheel of stars at the center of the night sky. Arianrhod keeps the dead safe until it is time for them to be reborn.  #RestingPlace

3. Celtic Goddess Elen of the Ways. She is a whisper, a gentle wind in the wilderness. Elen shows us our true path.  #WayShower

4. The bone collector, a Celtic Crone Goddess who collects the bones of the dead animals all winter and sings them across the void to be reborn.  #BoneSong

5. Hindu Goddess Kali. She dances a power dance and demands we embrace our shadow.  #LookInTheDark

6. Babylonian Goddess Tiamat, the primordial power and chaos of the depths. She both creates and destroys. The early patriarchal kings claimed to have destroyed Tiamat, but we all know better.  #Primordial

7. Ancient feminine energies / archetypes of darkness. These dark goddesses hold so much wisdom and power.  #DarkWisdom


Originally posted on Facebook, 11/28/19
Image: Paris Catacombs by Nancy L

Dark Moon in Scorpio

Gifts of teh Dark

We are in the dark of a new moon in watery Scorpio now. And Uranus, the agent of radical change in opposition is increasing Scorpio’s normal intensity. 

“The only way out is in. The only way beyond is through.” ~Bryan Ellis 

The dark goddess who rules Scorpio embodies the deep truth of this quote. She beckons to us from the dark, whispering that deep healing will be ours if only we will look within and own every part of ourselves; the fears, the shame, the rage, the guilt… even the desires we won’t give voice to. 

Don’t run way. Sit in your dark. Feel it’s healing power. Hold it close. Love it. Love it all.

