Nihilistic New Moon in Scorpio

Image by Fiona Hsieh

New moon in Scorpio, shamanic queen of dark, raw emotions and shadow work. Wild geomagnetic storms are bombarding us. And Uranus and Saturn continue to stir the pot. It’s crazy out there.

You may be feeling like everything is pointless, sad and bleak. But you’re simply exhausted from months of global chaos. Your nihilist shadow part has come out to dance for a day or two. It’s time to shed a skin.

Be gentle with your inner nihilist. Love yourself enough to hold your dark side close and listen to what it has to say. Underneath the pain, there is wisdom in your dark.

Allow yourself to weep, wail and gnash your teeth over the state of the world and your life. Yes, it’s true; a lot of things are f&%ked up. And it’s hard to see how this ends well. So weep and wail and lament your fate..

Yes there is darkness. But every good thing you do, every kindness you share ripples out and creates more light. So be kind to yourself and honor your darkness.

Time to shed the skin you’ve outgrown and see what’s underneath.




Snakeskin – Wikimedia Commons

Dark Moon in Scorpio

Gifts of teh Dark

We are in the dark of a new moon in watery Scorpio now. And Uranus, the agent of radical change in opposition is increasing Scorpio’s normal intensity. 

“The only way out is in. The only way beyond is through.” ~Bryan Ellis 

The dark goddess who rules Scorpio embodies the deep truth of this quote. She beckons to us from the dark, whispering that deep healing will be ours if only we will look within and own every part of ourselves; the fears, the shame, the rage, the guilt… even the desires we won’t give voice to. 

Don’t run way. Sit in your dark. Feel it’s healing power. Hold it close. Love it. Love it all.



Capricorn Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Retrograde Saturn, Pluto and a partial lunar eclipse add to the mix. The normally creative builder energy of Capricorn, Is in a more destructive clearing away phase right now.

Ready or not, your shadow is out. The old rules of life may not hold much longer. Literally everything is up for debate.

Self care is key to managing this level of change. Create a calm safe space you can root into and relax within. Try to love every wiggle and wobble you make as you feel your way into a new future.