Bathing in Moonlight

Sacred mother moon
Gently, tenderly
Her dark
Luscious lap
The soft yin 
My body
So craves.


This poem bubbled up after I bathed in moonlight on the spring equinox full moon. Mother moon gave me the soft, tender and nurturing feminine energies that I had craved without realizing it. Thank you mother moon. I am so grateful.

Practice: Moon bathing is a lot like sun bathing, only done in moonlight! Simply relax and expose your skin to moonlight. As you absorb her light, open to whatever wisdom mother moon chooses to offer you.

Try moon bathing at the full moon, dark moon, crescent moon… whatever phase of the moon calls to you.

Potent Pisces New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces.
With Neptune also in Pisces, big magic is afoot!

Forget logic.
Envision what you want to manifest.
Passionately hold that vision in your heart.
See it, feel it, taste it happening.

Then pay attention to your dreams.
And watch for synchronistic signs in waking life.
The universe will nudge you in the right direction.‬



Solstice By Moonlight


‪Full moon in watery Cancer lights up the longest night in the northern hemisphere. This is a traditional time of rest and reflection. Sit in the stillness of winter solstice and breathe with the slow flow of nature in winter. Slow down and enjoy the quiet gifts of the season.

#SolsticeLight ‬

New Moon in Scorpio

‪New moon in watery Scorpio, the spiritual #sorceress.
Deep primal urges and emotions abound.
What will you do with the gift of these transformative energies?
Move beyond your fears and take a few steps toward your deepest desires.
Open to the magical possibilities of now.‬




Full Moon of Forgiveness

‪ Full Moon rises in sensual earthy Taurus tonight.
Dark emotional undercurrents of Scorpio rock this time.
You may question your deepest desires & intentions
as flaws & Inconsistencies are laid bare.
Abundant self-love will help you navigate
this deeply introspective time. ‬
Surrender to what is.



Tarot Card Guidance for this intense full moon: Acceptance, self-love and forgiveness lead to deep healing.

Dream Moon

Watery full moon in dreamy Pisces. Pause and contemplate the messages your dreams hold. Soul speaks to us through our dreams and intuitive visions. What is your Soul sharing with you? Pay attention and learn the secrets of your Soul.
