New Moon in Taurus

The dark of a Taurus new moon is upon us.

The beautiful, dark, loamy soil of our Earth Mother holds the deep wisdom of Taurus. Sacred earth and sacred body are the foundation of this life.

Use the elemental wisdom of earth to come home to the here and now. Sink into the physical. Revel in body sensations; smells, tastes, textures, movements.

Call on the energies of this earthy new moon and the divine Earth Mother to hold you and help you.

Come down to ground.


Image: Moon in Mountains
by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

Passionate Full Moon

Full moon in dark, mysterious, magical Scorpio. If you’re a bit confused, know that you’re not alone. We’re all in the thick of it. Wild, erratic energies are afoot and nothing is simple or straightforward.

Things are primal and strange. And all the passion can be quite seductive. But don’t let yourself get sucked in and do something crazy. Now is NOT the time to make big dramatic moves.

Breathe and ground into your physical body. Keep breathing and grounding. Wait for the energies to calm before you act.



Image: Leopard
Creative Commons

Full Moon in Libra

Full moon in airy Libra. The days are lengthening and warming. Spring is stirring. And something heavy has lifted that goes beyond the seasonal shift. A lightening has begun. But of what? Sometimes it is only in hindsight that we understand what has occurred.

How are you relating to the world? To yourself? Now is the time to lighten up. Change your approach. Free your inner dancer, singer, joker. Cut loose. Embrace your growing spring fever.

It’s been a long slog of a pandemic winter. Time to leave your rut behind.



by Sin-Eater

Unmasking a Myth

Eden by Valeri Tsenov

when they want to
control you
they do not come
with shackles
made of iron
they come instead
with cages made
of shame and story
like the one
about the woman
who earned crisis
for her curiosity
so tempted by a life
of wisdom and independence
she caused the downfall
of all civilization

women are dangerous
says the shame story of Eve
they cannot
be trusted and
should not
trust themselves

give a woman
free choice and
she’ll eat the fruit
tempt the man
enrage the god
she’ll destroy us all
with her mad desire
to know
to discover
to understand
her self
her world
her maker
give a woman any freedom
and she’ll follow
her curiosity
shape her
own story
seek truth beyond
the dictates
of order and obedience

she will wreck
your carefully controlled mandates
your reign of tightness
she will unmake
your holy wars
of right and wrong
and infuse the realm with
choice and instinct
empathy outranking rules
creativity eclipsing war
sovereignty subsuming
blind servitude

when you want to know
like Eve
when you have a taste
for truth
and a hunger for wisdom
you have to question
the stories
test the facts
rattle the cage
who profits from you
believing a lie?
who benefits because you
believe you are both
cause and curse?

they have tried
to burn you
with their shame
strip you
violate you
shrink you
silence you
but they could not break
your phoenix spirit
its fierce heat
will melt old regimes
and enflame a generation
who will not settle
for smallness
for submission
for shame

sink your self into
the feathered
red sleeve
of your ancestors
and rise, woman
rise again
for you are
Persephone’s Daughter
Lilith’s lover
Eve’s heir

find the truth
eat the fruit
unmask the myth
let it burn

~Angi Sullins



Dreamy New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces. Venus and Neptune (ruler of water and dreams) are hanging out nearby.

Expect your feelings to run wide and deep. Give yourself space to feel whatever bubbles up. Simply breathe and acknowledge the feelings that surface. No need to judge or fix them; just allow them to express and they will pass through you like a spring storm.

A Pisces new moon is also the perfect time to try conscious dreaming. Before going to sleep, set an intention to remember a dream or two. Ask for dreams of guidance and insight regarding your next steps and what the future holds for you. Or ask for help with a problem you’re experiencing.

Put paper and pen near your bed so you can jot down any images, phrases, or insights that come to you in your dreams. You will be amazed at the wisdom your dreams have to offer.



Image: detail from Green Woman Dreams
by Nancy L

In Her Image

“The image of the Goddess inspires women to see ourselves as divine, our bodies as sacred, the changing phases of our lives as holy, our aggression as healthy, our anger as purifying, and our power to nurture and create, but also to limit and destroy when necessary, as the very force that sustains all life.

Through the Goddess, we can discover our strength, enlighten our minds, own our bodies, and celebrate our emotions. We can move beyond narrow, constrictive roles and become whole.”

The Spiral Dance


Photo of Goddess vessel
by Nancy Lankston

New Moon, New Vision

New moon in airy, visionary Aquarius. Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are hanging out there as well. It’s quite an Aquarian gathering.

The energies of a new moon make it an ideal time to think about the future and set intentions. And this Aquarian new moon is especially ripe for visioning and planning. The expansive, visionary energies are HUGE right now!

Last year was a wild “shake up” period. Most of us had long held habits and assumptions stripped away in the chaos and turbulence. This is the perfect time to stop and regroup.

What path do you find yourself on now? Is this still the right path for you? What do you want to add and subtract from your present life? Where do you want to tweak and adjust your life as you move deeper into 2021?

Take the long view and consider all your options – even the wild ones!


P.S. Sacred feminine queen Venus is tapping into Aquarian energies as she prepares to drop out of sight and begin her journey into the underworld. She will be doing some navel gazing and clearing while she’s behind the Sun for the next few months. This is a wonderful time to connect with her deep feminine wisdom.

Image: Boreal Owl, Wikipedia