Nurturing Full Moon

Emotional full moon in Cancer, the watery sign of nurturing feminine energies.

Holidays can leave many people tired, emotional and / or off-balance. If that’s true for you, take time to love up yourself with nurturing self-care. You’re worth it


Photos by NancyL

Emotional Full Moon in Cancer

The Moon’s Daughter by Seb McKinnon

Full moon in watery, emotional Cancer, the sign of the nurturing mother.

Expect your emotions to run high. You may be super sensitive and a bit off balance. Little upsets may seem huge.

Mother yourself. Shield yourself from the meanness of others until you feel stronger. Draw on your spiritual support. Hold your inner child close.

You’ve got this.



Full Moon in Cancer with a Side of Pluto

Full moon in watery Cancer, the nurturing mama sign. The high emotions of a Cancer moon are compounded by a lunar eclipse. Meanwhile, Pluto is busy blowing up Saturn’s old, out-dated rules and structures right and left.

Things are getting REAL Who knows what will happen next? Stop trying to figure it all out – nothing makes logical sense right now. If you’re feeling stirred up, anxious or really vulnerable, you are not alone! The craziness is getting difficult to ignore. 

Make self-care a priority. Do something nurturing and loving for yourself every single day. And if you cannot figure out how to relax and calm down on your own, please find a healer or therapist who can help. You are important – we need you healthy and happy. 💗

Bathing in Moonlight

Sacred mother moon
Gently, tenderly
Her dark
Luscious lap
The soft yin 
My body
So craves.


This poem bubbled up after I bathed in moonlight on the spring equinox full moon. Mother moon gave me the soft, tender and nurturing feminine energies that I had craved without realizing it. Thank you mother moon. I am so grateful.

Practice: Moon bathing is a lot like sun bathing, only done in moonlight! Simply relax and expose your skin to moonlight. As you absorb her light, open to whatever wisdom mother moon chooses to offer you.

Try moon bathing at the full moon, dark moon, crescent moon… whatever phase of the moon calls to you.

Watery New Moon and Eclipse

New moon in watery Cancer. Big emotions are intensified by a partial solar eclipse and Pluto in opposition. In these chaotic times, remember to nurture and care for yourself. Even badass warriors need me-time!

Take loving care of yourself so you have the focus & passion to care for your world.



Learn more about this new moon time

“Sometimes ‘revolutionary’ is just recognizing our feelings
and need for love and connection and doing something about it,
perhaps releasing the victim there.”
~Pat Liles, The Power Path

Taurus Moon and Uranus

‪This new moon in earthy Taurus is amplified by Uranus
moving into Taurus as well.‬

‪A big shift has begun. 
It’s about honoring and valuing
the feminine within ourselves and our Earth. ‬

‪Great time to connect with Body and Earth
from a space of love.‬

