She Who Changes

“She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes.

The world is Her body. The world is in Her and She is in the world. She surrounds us like the air we breathe. She is as close to us as our own breath. She is energy, movement, life, and change. She is the ground of freedom, creativity, sympathy, understanding, and love. In Her we live, and move, and co-create our being. She is always there for each and every one of us, particles of atoms, cells, animals, and human animals. We are precious in Her sight. She understands and remembers us with unending sympathy. She inspires us to live creatively, joyfully, and in harmony with others in the web of life.

Yet choice is ours. The world that is Her body is co-created. The choices of every individual particle of an atom, every individual cell, every individual animal, every individual human animal play a part. The adventure of life on planet earth and in the universe as a whole will be enhanced or diminished by the choices we make. She hears the cries of the world, sharing our sorrows with infinite compassion.

In a still, small voice, She whispers the desire of Her heart: Life is meant to be enjoyed. She sets before us life and death. We can choose life. Change is. Touch is. Everything we touch can change.”

~Carol P. Christ
She Who Changes: Re-imagining
the Divine in the World


Safe travels, Carol.



Image: Bird Woman-Goddess figure
Edfu Egypt, 4000 BCE
Photo by Nancy L

A Prayer for the Earth

May I trust in the wisdom of the plants and the animals and the water.  May I hear the message whispered in my ear that is for me alone.  May I live with confidence that my soul is eternal and my heartbeat and the heartbeat of the world are one.  May I remember the Earth is my Mother.  May I feel my hand in Hers and have no fear.  May I welcome the gifts that come my way.

~Linda Heisel

Irish Waters by Nancy L

Stand for Love

“When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.”

~Fred Rogers


Image: Artist Unknown

Like the Moon

And if you are to love, 

love like the moon loves. 

It doesn’t steal the night. 

It only unveils the beauty of the dark 

        ~Isra Al-Thibeh


Moon Photo by Nancy L

Smash the Patriarchy

“One by one the women step up
and commit the forbidden act
of biting into patriarchal thought
refuting it, smashing it,
discarding it and beginning again
in the very beginning when women
loved their bodies
named their gods
authored their lives
when women refused to surrender
except to life as it pulsated through them.
Women reminding us
there is nothing wrong
there never has been anything wrong
there never will be anything wrong
with woman.”

~ Patricia Lynn Reilly


Art: Mary Magdalene of Growth
by Tanya Torres