Praise for A Space for Soul…
“This gem of a book touches me deeply. It is by turns both humorous and heartbreaking and always healing. Love permeates its pages and reaffirms this crazy wonderful life. What a gift…” ~Jill Carter, MA
“Gifted teachers don’t declare facts, they present information in a way that allows us to discover it. The first time I read A Space for Soul, I devoured it in two sittings and was fascinated with the way Nancy leads us from thought to thought, leaving us each to recognize truth on every page.” ~Lynetta Carnes, Dream Weaver
“Nancy is a true mystic in the sense of fearlessly looking inside and plunging into the shadows of self and life. I find her book to be inspiring and thought provoking with the wonderful healing energy of humor thrown in.” ~Bobbie Martin, Energy Healer / Teacher
Preface to A Space for Soul:
The reflections I share in this book come from personal journals I kept over the last 20 years; they are my notes from the trail. Writing is one tool I pull out and use all the time. Writing helps me cut through the brambles and confusion and find my way. This book is filled with helpful hints and hard won wisdom; things I want to remember as I continue on my journey.
I began my healing path as an ICU nurse. Today I teach and write about nature based healing, transformation and expanding consciousness. My work today is truly light years from where I began 20+ years ago. Transforming from a “normal” nurse into a teacher of spiritual and shamanic techniques has not always been easy; it has involved peeling away layer after layer of who I was supposed to be, who I was taught to be, in order to connect with the real me. And I have often felt huge fear as I pushed myself to venture into new territory.
If this were a “normal” book about healing I would use these pages to describe the healing methods I have personally used. Then I would guide you in how to use those methods to heal yourself. But every person’s healing is unique. My healing methods may not work for you. Ultimately, all healing involves learning to trust yourself and chart your own course.
For me, healing has been about learning how to open up to life and share my soul with the world. Often, this soul baring process has left me feeling like I am completely alone, blazing a new trail through a confusing and harsh wilderness; at those times I try to breathe, focus on the ground right in front of me and trust my soul’s guidance as I inch my way along, one step at a time.
That feeling of being alone, out in the wilderness is why this book exists; I want you to realize that you are not alone. I am right there with you in spirit, applauding your efforts and encouraging to keep going. I hope that by sharing these words with you, I can help you find your way home a little quicker.
A Space for Soul is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble