Dreaming Wild is conscious dreaming; we enter DreamSpace with the intention of receiving guidance, insight or healing from Spirit. Dreaming Wild is a form of shamanic journeying.
I offer free Dreaming Wild events regularly online. Group and one-on-one Dreaming Wild sessions can also be scheduled with me.
Contact me for more details.

Audio Recording: Tending Solstice Fire
Take a guided shamanic journey to honor and tend to elemental fire and sunlight.
Recorded at Summer Solstice 2024 for Shamanism Without Borders. SWB is a Global Response Network of the Society for Shamanic Practice.

Audio Recording: Every Day Is Every Day
Take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. Connect and listen to our Mother. What does she wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and assist her?
Recorded April 24, 2024

Audio Recording: Connecting with Spring
A short (10 min) guided practice to help you connect deeply with Mama Earth and celebrate spring.
Originally recorded in spring 2020,

Audio Recording: Dreaming Wild With Mama Earth
Take a guided shamanic journey to connect with the elements and elementals, and ask what you can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can you help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive?
Recorded on February 7th, 2024 with the moon and Venus in Capricorn.
Audio Recording: How Can We Help, Mama Earth?
Take a guided shamanic journey to connect with Mama Earth. Ask how you can help her and all her creatures. Discover what you can personally do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance.
Recorded on the Capricorn new moon in January 2024.
Take a guided shamanic journey to meet the wild Mother of All.
The Celts called her Danu. Ancient Egyptians knew her as Wadjet (Uadjet). The pagan peoples of Asia knew her as Green Tara of the forest. She is our great Earth Mother.
Recorded on the Scorpio new moon in November 2023
Take a guided shamanic journey into the heart of the land beneath our feet – the sacred body of Mother Nature. Call on the ancient forest goddess Green Tara for help and guidance. Green Tara lives at the heart of wild, uncivilized lands. She will hold and guide you on this journey into the heart of Mama Earth.
“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
~Albert Einstein
Recorded June 2023
Take a guided shamanic dream journey with Ix Chel and the Waters of the World. Explore the power and sacred Mayan wisdom of Water Bearer Goddess Ix Chel. Commune with the moon and elemental water. Receive guidance, healing and watery wisdom.
Recorded May 2023

Audio Recording: July 2023 Shamanism Without BordersTending
Link to Tending Our Earth During Climate Change

Audio Recording: Love Your Mama
Take a journey to connect with sacred Mother Earth. Find out how you can help and honor her on Earth Day and every day..
In Honor of Earth Day
April 2023

Audio Recording: Dreaming of Spring
Journey to the awakening forest. Connect with Eostre, the elementals and the energies of spring.
In Honor of Spring Equinox
March 2023

Audio Recording: Dreaming with Fire and Ice
Journey to the far north to connect with elemental Fire and Ice. What wild and sacred wisdom do the elements and elementals wish to share with us?
In Honor of Imbolc
February 2023

Audio Recording: Dreaming with Grandma Moon
Take a shamanic journey to the Moon. Drop in, get yin and explore the ancient wisdom of Grandma Moon.
Accessing Crone Wisdom
January 2023
🌱 🌎🌛
For the latest schedule updates, subscribe to this web site (add your email on the bottom of the home page). Or you can follow me on FaceBook or Instagram.

Questions or problems? Contact NancyL