Deep Yin Full Moon

Watery full moon in Scorpio, dark goddess of the deep. Yin feminine energy and shadow wisdom are surfacing right now.

Meditate or journey inward. Connect with your true emotions and desires. What needs to be forgiven and /or released? What needs to be acknowledged and embraced?

Venture into your darkness and be healed. 💗


Get Physical

Earthy Taurus new moon time. Get physical. Stimulate and activate your senses in luscious ways; the beauty of nature, favorite music, movement, yummy foods and scents, sensual touch.

Physical pleasure is the perfect antidote to the ongoing chaos and craziness of our world. Get physical now!


Chaos and Change

Stormy full moon in airy Libra. The pace of change in our world has accelerated again under the influence of change agent Uranus now in Taurus. Time to remember that even good change brings chaos in its wake.

You may feel waves of deep emotion washing over you and through you. Find a safe place to drop anchor, get still and allow your emotions to move freely. The result will be a deep and healing cleanse.

This too shall pass.


Bathing in Moonlight

Sacred mother moon
Gently, tenderly
Her dark
Luscious lap
The soft yin 
My body
So craves.


This poem bubbled up after I bathed in moonlight on the spring equinox full moon. Mother moon gave me the soft, tender and nurturing feminine energies that I had craved without realizing it. Thank you mother moon. I am so grateful.

Practice: Moon bathing is a lot like sun bathing, only done in moonlight! Simply relax and expose your skin to moonlight. As you absorb her light, open to whatever wisdom mother moon chooses to offer you.

Try moon bathing at the full moon, dark moon, crescent moon… whatever phase of the moon calls to you.

Equinox Full Moon

Seek Balance

Spring Equinox full moon in Libra,
lover of equality, balance and fairness in all things.

Day and night are roughly balanced at the equinox point.
Seek balance within as well by calming
and nurturing yourself in whatever way works for you.

Also, take time to celebrate the return of spring! 



Image: Wildwood Tarot Card

Potent Pisces New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces.
With Neptune also in Pisces, big magic is afoot!

Forget logic.
Envision what you want to manifest.
Passionately hold that vision in your heart.
See it, feel it, taste it happening.

Then pay attention to your dreams.
And watch for synchronistic signs in waking life.
The universe will nudge you in the right direction.‬



Virgo Full Moon

Life may seem a bit wild and surreal right now. But the full Moon is with Virgo, the earth priestess. Virgo reminds us that honoring earth through ritual can bring us back down to ground.

Connect with this beautiful planet through a simple prayer, song, chant, offering, meditation or movement now. Find anchor in the storm.



Photo by Ruthie Martin on Unsplash