Emotional full moon in Cancer, the watery sign of nurturing feminine energies.
Holidays can leave many people tired, emotional and / or off-balance. If that’s true for you, take time to love up yourself with nurturing self-care. You’re worth it
Take a guided shamanic dream journey and explore the power and wisdom of Mayan Goddess Ix Chel. Commune with ,the moon and elemental water. Receive guidance, healing, wisdom.
Recorded on the last quarter Aquarian moon on May 12th, 2023.
Magical full Moon in watery Scorpio. And a lunar eclipse amplifies her magic.
Moon energy will be deep and wild for the next few days under the thrall of Scorpio. Stop and tune into the tidal pull of the moon within your watery body. Can you feel her?
To absorb a bit of lunar Scorpio magic, perform a simple moon water ritual tonight:
Place a covered jar or bowl of water outside in the moonlight (or on a moonlit windowsill). In the morning, retrieve and drink it. Thank the moon for blessing you and cleansing you.
18 – Magic Stream. When you remember you’re part of the fluid continuity of life, you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality.
36 – Commitment. Others are more willing to enter into partnership at this time. Remember that your partnership with Spirit – and the highest version of your own self – will engage the highest version in another.
30 – Making A Choice. You’re faced with a dilemma or fork in the road and must make a conscious choice regarding the next right action.
Goddess Brigid is honored and celebrated at Imbolc in early Frebriary.
Brigid was born at sunrise with a flame of light shooting from her flaming red hair. Her sacred fire represents divine inspiration, warmth, safety, and home.
Brigid is also known to be a great healer and protector of life. Ancient wells honoring her are still found in Ireland and Scotland. People have prayed and left offerings at her wells for thousands of years. Their waters hold healing powers.
Ancient Nature Goddess Brigid brings the light of spring. It is said that flowers bloom wherever she walks.
May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell Bless every fireside every wall and door Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy Bless every foot that walks its portals through May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.