New Moon in Aquarius

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Airy Aquarius new moon tonight.

New moon, New slate.
Open to the energies of this dark moon and see what arises.
How does this new moon affect you?
Where are your thoughts and emotions leading you now?
What is your vision for ypur future?

Prayer for the New Year


Gossamer threads of life hold me,
Perched between Earth and Sky,
Weaving the web, dreaming the dream,
Through the two worlds I will fly.
With you as my muse, Mother,
I create the substance of dreams,
Allowing the artist within me
To fashion my life with esteem.
I mold the clay of experiences
Into a sacred Medicine Bowl,
Capturing the essence of living
As it sings deep in my soul.
Your secrets of creation, Mother,
Have taught me when to destroy
The chains that have bound me,
Limiting the expression of my joy.
You have taught me how to labor,
Giving birth to the visions within,
Setting them free like silver arrows,
Kindling the fire of Creation again.

Jamie Sams,
The 13 Original Clan Mothers


Photos by Nancy L

Emotional Harvest Moon

Image by Katsiaryna Naliuka

Harvest full moon in watery, emotional Pisces is conjunct Neptune. The fiery chaos of the past few months has finally quieted down a bit. The prevailing energies flow with dreamy, surreal emotions.

Over the next few days, a convergence of energies occurs that creates a healing portal or nexus point.

Pay attention to how you react to people and events this week. Do you have an odd or oversized reaction to something? Pause and look closely at anything that upsets you. Is your reaction about here and now? Or some earlier unresolved event? Charged childhood and/or past life memories may surface and bleed into current events.

Whatever surfaces, whether from this lifetime or another, it is arising to be healed. Spend time examining, honoring and loving whatever arises. It will be time well spent.

Visionary Full Moon

Full moon in Aquarius, the visionary. Tonight is the perfect time to sit with the moon and meditate on the future you want to create. Ask for a good vision to catch you.

Ask. Get still. Listen.

May a good vision catch me
May a benevolent vision take hold of me, and move me
May a deep and full vision come over me, and burst open around me
May a luminous vision inform me, enfold me.
May I awaken into the story that surrounds,
May I awaken into the beautiful story.
May the wondrous story find me;
May the wildness that makes beauty arise between two lovers
arise beautifully between my body and the body of this land,
between my flesh and the flesh of this earth,
here and now,
on this day,
May I taste something sacred.

~David Abram


Image by Daria Hlazatova