Earth Mother

Willendorf Beauty by Peg Green

I am dawn’s flame
Arching through treetops

I am a whisper of wind
Playing in the weeds

I am dark loamy ground
Supporting roots and shoots

I am cool mountain waters
Tumbling toward the sea

I am holy Mother
Creating and holding you.

~Nancy L


“Shakti is the primal energy of the Universe. She is the embodiment of power and strength coursing through creation, animating and enlivening all that is.

All forms are manifestations of Shakti. She is the Great Mother. She is the source from which all the other goddesses spring. She is also the fiery solvent that sometimes, either spontaneously or in response to certain spiritual practices, flows into the soul and dissolves the boundaries of the separate self, restoring our essential unity with the Supreme Being..”

~Mirabai Starr, Wild Mercy



Dancing Shakti Image by Tatiana Konstaninov

Justice Weeps

The ancient Goddess of Justice is weeping over the Bill Cosby case.

She reminds us that a legal system created and controlled by the patriarchy is not capable of dispensing JUSTiCE for all.

The rage of women is palpable in the air. The only question is… what will women decide to do with their rage?

When God Was A Woman

“In the beginning, people prayed to the Creatress of Life,
the Mistress of Heaven.

At the very dawn of religion, God was a woman.
Do you remember?”

~Merlin Stone



Venus of Willendorf Goddess 22,000 BCE
Photo by Nancy L

Let Softness Carry You

“Soak your life
with wildflowers
and rivers.

Breathe in honey
and the moon.

Bring in softness
whenever you can.

Softness can carry you
over the sharpest
of grounds.

Like wind and water”

~Victoria Erickson


Image: Her Rocks, Her Water, Her Light
by Miko,

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…



A Prayer for the Earth

May I trust in the wisdom of the plants and the animals and the water.  May I hear the message whispered in my ear that is for me alone.  May I live with confidence that my soul is eternal and my heartbeat and the heartbeat of the world are one.  May I remember the Earth is my Mother.  May I feel my hand in Hers and have no fear.  May I welcome the gifts that come my way.

~Linda Heisel

Irish Waters by Nancy L