Watery Yin New Moon

New moon in nurturing, watery Cancer. Time to slow down and love up yourself.

You may be feeling confused, emotional, exhausted. After all, you’re only human. The past year has been filled with so much stormy change and chaos. How could you not be affected by wave after wave of change?

Try not to think so much. Rest and regroup. Get watery. Relax in water, drink water, move like water. Remember, you ARE mostly water. Reconnect with watery, flowing ways of being.

Go with the flow of how you’re feeling. Give yourself time and space to emotionally process everything that has happened to you in the past year. Clear the decks before the next wave hits.


Wave image by Nancy L

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…



Potent New Moon and Eclipse

New moon and solar eclipse in airy, shape shifting, trickster Gemini.

Eclipses are said to amplify our thoughts and intentions a hundredfold or more. Both positive and negative thoughts are amplified. So, why not harness that power?

Take time to think about what you REALLY want.
What do you want to amplify in your life?
What do you want more of?
What nurtures you?
What do you need to grow and bloom?

Focus on what feeds your body-mind and spirit. What will it look like, taste like, feel like when you get what you desire?



Photographer unknown

Sagittarius Full Moon and Eclipse

This fiery full moon is is amplified by a total lunar eclipse. The next few days will be positively pulsating with the energies of transformation and expansion.

With change comes chaos. How best to handle all this wild, chaotic energy? Lena Stevens from the Power Path offers this advice:

 “It can be as uncomfortable as growing pains but if you stay present
and focused on improvement, the rewards are phenomenal.
Many indigenous peoples see this time as an anchor
for the future, the beginning of a new cycle.
What do you want? What do you need?
What is showing up for you?
~Lena Stevens


Focus on what you want to improve and change. But never stop expressing gratitude for the good things that are already present in your life. Dance with gratitude for what is, as you turn toward your heart’s desires.

Image: Lunar Eclipse
Wikimedia Commons

New Moon in Taurus

The dark of a Taurus new moon is upon us.

The beautiful, dark, loamy soil of our Earth Mother holds the deep wisdom of Taurus. Sacred earth and sacred body are the foundation of this life.

Use the elemental wisdom of earth to come home to the here and now. Sink into the physical. Revel in body sensations; smells, tastes, textures, movements.

Call on the energies of this earthy new moon and the divine Earth Mother to hold you and help you.

Come down to ground.


Image: Moon in Mountains
by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

Like the Moon

And if you are to love, 

love like the moon loves. 

It doesn’t steal the night. 

It only unveils the beauty of the dark 

        ~Isra Al-Thibeh


Moon Photo by Nancy L

Passionate Full Moon

Full moon in dark, mysterious, magical Scorpio. If you’re a bit confused, know that you’re not alone. We’re all in the thick of it. Wild, erratic energies are afoot and nothing is simple or straightforward.

Things are primal and strange. And all the passion can be quite seductive. But don’t let yourself get sucked in and do something crazy. Now is NOT the time to make big dramatic moves.

Breathe and ground into your physical body. Keep breathing and grounding. Wait for the energies to calm before you act.



Image: Leopard
Creative Commons