More and More Ourselves

“We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.”

~James Hollis



Image: Alighting with Wings of Moth
by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

Woman Divine

Painting by Arlene Bailey

Earth Woman
Bone Woman
Spiral on the Stone Woman

Sky Woman 
Air Woman
Wind in her hair Woman 

Fire Woman
Shimmer Woman
Candle glow and glimmer Woman

Water Woman
Rain Woman
Wash away the pain Woman 

Wolf Woman
Lone Woman
Maiden, Mother, Crone Woman 

Bird Woman
Sing Woman
Feather on the Wing Woman

Cauldron Woman
Moon Woman
Sacred Blood of Womb Woman 

Tree Woman
Root Woman 
Flower into Fruit Woman

Drum Woman
Come Woman
Dance in Time with All Women 

~Rebekah Myers

La Loba

Photo by Holly Kuchera

‘La Loba, the old one, The One Who Knows, is within us.
She thrives in the deepest soul-psyche of women,
the ancient and vital Wild Woman. The La Loba story
describes her home as that place in time where
the spirit of women and the spirit of wolf meet
– the place where her mind and her instincts mingle,
where a woman’s deep life funds her mundane life.
It is the point where the I and the Thou kiss,
the place where women run with the wolves.’

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes




Navigating by Moonlight – Capricorn New Moon Divination

Consider the words and images shared here.
Notice the feelings and thoughts that arise for you.
Use this information to gently guide your choices and focus.


2 cards drawn from Witches’ Wisdom Tarot Deck:

4 Moon
Mystery. Wildness. Physical instinct. Liberated feminine power

“There is a wildness within us that yearns to be physical, sensual, animal, free. But fear of this unknown part, of the shadows where it dwells, of where it might take us, has left us all only half alive…

Wildness is the only path to the moon. There is no need to dread the companions who will teach you how to shapeshift into hoof and horn, paw and claw, fur and feathers, fins and scales, bud and leaf and flower. Set your foot upon the silver path. The moon will light your way from fear to the fierce and freeing desires of your wild and natural self.”

4 of Water
Open your Heart. Grieve. Reach out. Rejoice

“Whale is a wise and compassionate being who will guide you through the currents of your feelings and show you how to live in a connected way. Invite them into your life. Journey, dream meditate, pray, study, visit with and volunteer for whale. Allow whale energy to move through you…

Let whale teach you to sing.”

2 cards drawn from The Wildwood Tarot Deck:

6 of Vessels

“Recognition of ancestral and reincarnation memory.”

5 of Bows

“The time of self empowerment by seizing the initiative is here.”



Image: the cards in the order they were drawn.

New Moon, New Cycle

Auspicious new moon in earthy Capricorn. This new moon follows closely on the heels of winter solstice. A new solar cycle and moon cycle begin together.

What message does Capricorn, the sovereign queen of the zodiac, wish to share with you?

Take time to contemplate what you want to keep and discard in the new year. What’s working for you? And what needs to be left behind in 2022?

Don’t act yet – just consider your options. How can you embrace your badass inner queen more deeply? How can you create a life that’s more authentic and true to you?


Down near the bottom
of the crossed-out list
of things you have to do today,
between “green thread”
and “broccoli,” you find
that you have penciled “sunlight.”

Resting on the page, the word
is beautiful. It touches you
as if you had a friend
and sunlight were a present
he had sent from someplace distant
as this morning—to cheer you up,
and to remind you that,

among your duties, pleasure
is a thing
that also needs accomplishing.

Do you remember?
that time and light are kinds
of love, and love
is no less practical
than a coffee grinder
or a safe spare tire?

Tomorrow you may be utterly
without a clue,
but today you get a telegram
from the heart in exile,
proclaiming that the kingdom
still exists,
the king and queen alive,
still speaking to their children,

—to any one among them
who can find the time
to sit out in the sun and listen.

~Tony Hoagland


Image: Mount Shasta Sunset
by NancyL