Magical Full Moon in Gemini

Wild full moon in Gemini, the shape shifting, trickster fairy.

The fire of a Sagittarius Sun continues to burn bright and hot, fueled by the air of a Gemini Moon. But what will we do with all this fiery, transformative energy?

During the holidays, old hurts and pain tend to knock at our door. We can use all this fiery energy to fuel old hurts and resentments. That painful dance is a tradition as old as Yule.

Or… we can choose something new this year; We can choose to drop our old stories and use the fire to create a magical new tradition for ourselves.

We can love and honor ourselves and our needs. And when we’ve filled ourselves up with love, it will spill out of us and spread into the world, blessing everyone around us.

We can use the magic of Moonlight and Fire to turn this time into a season of love. Or not. It’s our choice.


Image by Remedios Varo

Wild Gemini Moon

Full moon in wild and airy Gemini, lover of crazy coyote wisdom. AND a lunar eclipse tonight opens up a portal ripe with crazy possibilities.

Crazy times beg for odd and unusual acts. What you seek will not be found through logic or normal behavior. So, sing a bawdy song or two. Dance a wild jig. Stand on your head awhile. Howl at the moon. Embrace your inner wild one.

Blow up your stale routines and make an opening for crazy Heyoka wisdom to flow into you.



Heyoka is a Native American word that means ‘sacred clown’ or ‘fool’. Heyoka use humor and tricks to startle or jolt people out of their normal thinking and open their minds to new possibilities.

Image: Howling Coyote

Trickster New Moon

Trickster new moon in airy Gemini. Illusion on top of confusion and delusion. It’s best to simply smile and accept that down is up right now.

On a positive note, wildly creative energy is also flowing. Embrace it; create something new just for fun with words, paint, flour and fruit, fabric, garden soil, nail polish, feathers… whatever is at hand.



The Smell of Spring

Spring Crocus
First Bloom by Nancy L

Last night it rained. This morning when I walked the dog, there was a scent in the air that took me a moment or two to place… Then suddenly I remembered; it is the smell of soil waking up, coming alive after its long sleep.  It is the smell of spring.

Go outside and sniff the air. Do you smell it? Listen. Perhaps you can hear the gentle whispers? Mama earth is beginning to stir. All winter, she has quietly held the seeds of spring in her soil body; she has coddled them and kept them safe, waiting for the time to sprout. And now spring is almost here and the seeds are stirring, preparing to crack open and grow new life.

The chickadees know; they whistle to each other from every treetop in my neighborhood. My dog knows; she sniffs at the soil with new interest. And the sheep know; they birth their lambs in February, knowing spring is almost here. My Celtic ancestors celebrated Imbolc at the time of lamb birthing. It was their way of honoring the end of winter and the promise of life returning to the land. Modern man has turned Imbolc into Groundhog Day, but I personally prefer the celebratory air of ancient Imbolc.

It has been snowing and snowing here, even more than usual. And I had begun to worry that winter might decide to go on and on and on. But then, on a cold, wet day in February, I hear earth’s whispers and I get a whiff of her soil coming alive. It feels like I just received a message from a long lost lover. And I instantly know that the spring I crave is on its way back to me.