A Clearing

“here is the month i decided to shed everything not deeply committed to my dreams. the day i refused to be a victim to the self-pity. here is the week i slept in the garden. the spring i wrung the self-doubt by its neck. hung your kindness up. took down the calendar. the week i danced so hard my heart learned to float above water again. the summer i unscrewed all the mirrors from their walls. no longer needed to see myself to feel seen. combed the weight out of my hair.

i fold the good days up and place them in my back pocket for safekeeping. draw the match. cremate the unnecessary. the light of the fire warms my toes. i pour myself a glass of warm water to cleanse myself for january. here I go. stronger and wiser into the new.”

~ rupi kaur



New Moon in Sagittarius

Fiery new moon in Sagittarius, the soulful adventurer. With Sagittarius lighting a fire within you, a desire to leap in new directions may fill you.

New experiences and changes can be wonderfully healing, life affirming and transformative. Just remember that every fire needs a protective fire ring or container – even the fire of passion. Create a controlled burn, NOT a raging inferno.

Note: The new moon was exact on Nov. 26, but travel made posting impossible. No worries – energies of the new moon continue to have an impact for 3-5 days.


Full Moon in Warrior Aries

Warrior Goddess Artemis

Energized full moon in fiery Aries, badass warrior for truth. Plus Pluto is squaring the Sun and Moon, bringing old dysfunctional patterns and habits to the surface. 

Big energy is rocking our world right now – what will you do with it? What might you do that would honor your badass self and your truth? 

Now is a great time to release old BS that is holding you back. Even a small correction in your trajectory can have a big impact. Take a deep breath and aim true.

Fiery Full Moon

Image: Fire Dragon by Nancy Lankston

Fiery full moon in Sagittarius aligned with the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Meanwhile Jupiter and Neptune are squaring each other, and Pluto is stirring up Saturn . What crazy potent times we live in!

Huge expansive shifts are possible IF you are willing to release and burn away the ancient fears and rules that keep you bound in place.

Let that old crap go. Then dream into the heart of what you truly desire.


Dark Fire Moon

Fiery Sagittarius new moon, Mercury now direct, and Venus rising in the morning sky —> a massive influx of passionate transformational energy bombarding us now.

You can use this energy of change to explore where you want to go in the next year.  What do you truly desire going forward?

Light up your intentions now.

