Watery Full Moon

Full moon in watery Pisces. You may feel like your inner emotional waters are running too high this week. No, you’re not crazy – this is an especially emotional time.

Honor whatever you’re feeling. It’s all normal.

Try sitting with Mama Earth and allowing those difficult feelings to surface and run down into her. Earth will hold you, calm you and compost your pain and rage and grief if you let her.


Potent Pisces New Moon

New moon in dreamy, watery Pisces.
With Neptune also in Pisces, big magic is afoot!

Forget logic.
Envision what you want to manifest.
Passionately hold that vision in your heart.
See it, feel it, taste it happening.

Then pay attention to your dreams.
And watch for synchronistic signs in waking life.
The universe will nudge you in the right direction.‬



Dream Moon

Watery full moon in dreamy Pisces. Pause and contemplate the messages your dreams hold. Soul speaks to us through our dreams and intuitive visions. What is your Soul sharing with you? Pay attention and learn the secrets of your Soul.


Dreamy New Moon

New moon in watery Pisces. Deep dream time.
All the craziness and chaos is wearing you down.
It’s the perfect time to take a break from the news and the outside world. ‬

‪RELAX!   Take a chill pill. ‬
‪Reconnect with your peace and joy. ‬

