Priestess Full Moon

A poem in honor of this potent full moon in Virgo, the sign of the earth priestess…

A fire in the night
light up seeing
stars twinkle

and the Moon
is on her way
down the road

we turned
around and around
until we knew

in our broken bones
what was true
and red birds flew

the sky got more blue
over the green sea
we prayed unto

our Mother who knew
chaos would crumble,
our power would rumble

and this moment
brought destiny
to Her knees.

~Hunni Bloom


Art by HolgaJen (Etsy)

Earthy Full Moon

New Life

Full moon in earthy Virgo, sacred keeper of nature’s rhythms and cycles. 

With the craziness and chaos in the world today, we all could use some earthy focus to anchor and ground us. Spend time out in nature. Watch your neighborhood for signs of early spring. 

Is that joyful birdsong from the tree? Has the wind shifted into a warmer spring pattern? Can you smell the soil waking up? Is that a bit of green poking through? Are the bees out buzzing around yet? 

Dig in the dirt, if you can. Plant something to tend and love and help grow. Or perhaps you want to watch the night sky and follow the moon through her phases this month. 

Our Earth can hold and anchor you in the current chaos, if you open and connect.

Here’s to Mama Earth and the sacred rhythms of spring.


Chaos and Change

Stormy full moon in airy Libra. The pace of change in our world has accelerated again under the influence of change agent Uranus now in Taurus. Time to remember that even good change brings chaos in its wake.

You may feel waves of deep emotion washing over you and through you. Find a safe place to drop anchor, get still and allow your emotions to move freely. The result will be a deep and healing cleanse.

This too shall pass.


Equinox Full Moon

Seek Balance

Spring Equinox full moon in Libra,
lover of equality, balance and fairness in all things.

Day and night are roughly balanced at the equinox point.
Seek balance within as well by calming
and nurturing yourself in whatever way works for you.

Also, take time to celebrate the return of spring! 



Image: Wildwood Tarot Card

Earthy New Moon and Eclipse

Earthy new moon in Capricorn and a partial solar eclipse bathe us in the energy of so much to do, so little time.  Resist the urge to make a bunch of decisions and complete all your projects NOW!

Ground to Mama Earth.
Slow down to her slow, sacred winter rhythm.
Relax – you have time.
