Playful Sagittarius New Moon

New moon in Sagittarius, the fiery adventurer.

There is a social, communal feel to this moon time. It’s not the usual ‘contemplate your navel’ new moon.

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself suddenly wanting to explore a new place or a new topic. Perhaps you can simply stop working and play awhile?

And don’t let Thanksgiving feast prep get in the way of fun. Add a bit of singing, dancing and goofing off to your cooking and cleaning regimen.

Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.

Don’t be Jack.

Magical Full Moon in Gemini

Wild full moon in Gemini, the shape shifting, trickster fairy.

The fire of a Sagittarius Sun continues to burn bright and hot, fueled by the air of a Gemini Moon. But what will we do with all this fiery, transformative energy?

During the holidays, old hurts and pain tend to knock at our door. We can use all this fiery energy to fuel old hurts and resentments. That painful dance is a tradition as old as Yule.

Or… we can choose something new this year; We can choose to drop our old stories and use the fire to create a magical new tradition for ourselves.

We can love and honor ourselves and our needs. And when we’ve filled ourselves up with love, it will spill out of us and spread into the world, blessing everyone around us.

We can use the magic of Moonlight and Fire to turn this time into a season of love. Or not. It’s our choice.


Image by Remedios Varo

Flaming New Moon and Eclipse

New moon and total solar eclipse in fiery Sagittarius, the seeker of spiritual truth.

This solar eclipse will only be visible tonight for a few minutes in Antarctica and the southern edges of South America and Australia. But don’t kid yourself; every eclipse delivers an energetic wallop to the entire planet.

And this eclipse event in Sagittarius has a signature energy that I can only describe as…


We are receiving a turbo-charged download of transformative energies. And it’s positive, life affirming, passionate energies this time.

So, the only question is, where in your life do you need a turbo boost?

Where are you aching to make a dramatic shift? Focus there. Now is the time for positive, creative, joyful action. Even a tiny baby step is better than no action at all.

Stop debating.
No more whining.
Go For It.
Act now.

Sagittarius Full Moon and Eclipse

This fiery full moon is is amplified by a total lunar eclipse. The next few days will be positively pulsating with the energies of transformation and expansion.

With change comes chaos. How best to handle all this wild, chaotic energy? Lena Stevens from the Power Path offers this advice:

 “It can be as uncomfortable as growing pains but if you stay present
and focused on improvement, the rewards are phenomenal.
Many indigenous peoples see this time as an anchor
for the future, the beginning of a new cycle.
What do you want? What do you need?
What is showing up for you?
~Lena Stevens


Focus on what you want to improve and change. But never stop expressing gratitude for the good things that are already present in your life. Dance with gratitude for what is, as you turn toward your heart’s desires.

Image: Lunar Eclipse
Wikimedia Commons

New Moon in Sagittarius

New moon in fiery Sagittarius, the truth seeker. A total solar eclipse (visible in South America) also occurs today.

This is a traditional time to perform ritual in honor of earth and sky. Light a candle, say a prayer, make an offering to Mama Earth, the sacred planet that is our beautiful home. Honor the plants and animals that have fed and nourished you all year. Thank the water and soil and sun.

Ritual doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as sitting and listening to the potent dark of a long winter night.

Listen to the dark.

Ponder the ideas and plans you want to pursue in the year ahead. Every seed that will grow in the new year is already waiting in the dark. Begin to nourish them now.


image: Wikimedia

Fiery Sagittarius Moon

Fiery full moon in Sagittarius, the great seeker and explorer. If you’re feeling feisty and restless, blame it on the moon! Even Lady Liberty is a bit hot under the collar right now.

This is a great time to explore a place you’ve never been before — that is, if you have been released from strict quarantine in your state. If you cannot get out and about, think about using this sacred full moon time to explore a topic that intrigues you.

Become an intrepid explorer. Expand your wisdom and awareness now.

Whatever you do over the next few days, try to keep your mood set to calm, cool and chillax.
