Sensual New Moon in Taurus

New moon in earthy Taurus, lover of sensual pleasures and beauty.

Time to get physical.
Play in the dirt.
Soak in a hot bath.
Savor yummy food.
Smell the flowers.
Take a long walk.
Kiss, hug and touch.

Revel in the pleasures of the physical now.


Taurus New Moon Divination

8 of Arrows – Struggle
However much we wish the divisive and conflicting issues and moral dilemmas didn’t exist in our lives, sometimes they are an unavoidable part of the journey. If we are lucky, we have the support and sympathy of friends and loved ones to help us deal with the struggle, but not always. Sometimes, because of the very personal nature of the problem, we are alone dealing with a very thorny dilemma that only the individual can negotiate…. Such profound personal struggles require calm, decisive and resolute action

Courage is needed to survive the storm.


Ace of Stones – Foundation of Life
The most potent act of the mind is to conceive of an idea and manifest it into practical material reality. This means being able to formulate and marshal your thoughts to bring about a real world change, or transmutation of a wish, dream or desire, making it physically happen.

…To be connected to the earth and the power that resides there allows us to draw from this primal source and direct the power of our minds to create changes in our world.


King of Stones – Wolf
Who offers the best security or pragmatic advice?

What is the intrinsic value to you or others?

Where do you need to provide support?

Where is life offering you its riches?


Drawn from The Wildwood Tarot Deck

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full moon in earthy, sensual Taurus. A total lunar eclipse will be visible in North America in the early morning hours of Tuesday. AND the sun is sitting in Scorpio communing with Venus.

All of this makes for an intense few days. Expect to feel stirred up and emotional. Be gentle with yourself. Stay grounded – root deep.

Make time every day to do whatever calms you; reading a good novel, taking a bubble bath, going for a hike in nature, meditating, practicing yoga… whatever calms your mind and relaxes your body.

You may receive insights during the peak eclipse energy. Don’t try to force it – just be open to ah ha’s and new ideas that surface.

Now is NOT the time to make big life decisions. Save those for another week.


Image: full moon over standing stones
Calanais, Isle of Lewis.
Artist unknown

Earthy New Moon and Eclipse

New moon in earthy Taurus AND a partial eclipse of the sun.

Dark moon, dark sun
Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn align
Powerful energies
Auspicious times.

Sit with yourself
Sit with the dark
And the light.

What is true
What is false
What is working
What is not
Consider it all.

Make new plans
Set intentions
A new cycle



Taurus Full Moon Eclipse

This full moon in earthy, sensuous Taurus will be eclipsed later tonight, becoming almost completely engulfed in the shadow of planet Earth.

This eclipse window is an extremely potent time. You may already be roiling with emotion. At times like these, emotional issues come up asking for resolution and healing.

You can use the amplified energy of this time to take an honest look at your life. Have you been irresponsible or careless with others in some way? Or with yourself?

Be kind and gentle with yourself as you take an unflinching look at your behavior. This is a chance to own and forgive old mistakes or misconceptions that have been weighing you down.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

New Moon in Taurus

The dark of a Taurus new moon is upon us.

The beautiful, dark, loamy soil of our Earth Mother holds the deep wisdom of Taurus. Sacred earth and sacred body are the foundation of this life.

Use the elemental wisdom of earth to come home to the here and now. Sink into the physical. Revel in body sensations; smells, tastes, textures, movements.

Call on the energies of this earthy new moon and the divine Earth Mother to hold you and help you.

Come down to ground.


Image: Moon in Mountains
by Ijaz Rafi on Unsplash

Initiatory Full Moon in Taurus

Full moon in earthy Taurus on Halloween. The moon is visiting with Uranus, a powerful agent of change. Meanwhile, the sun is in wise and witchy Scorpio. 

Our cultural initiation continues.

During normal times, full moons stir up sensitive humans (just ask an ER nurse how crazy people get during full moons). And these are wilder than normal times. A contentious US election is just around the corner. The COVID pandemic is worsening as well. You can bet that this full moon will deliver more chaos and crazy surprises.

Time to get physical.

The antidote to chaos and craziness is to ground in the physical world. Focus on physical movement : walking, jogging, dancing, squats, yoga, weight lifting, etc. Eat grounding foods such as carrots, potatoes, beets and other root vegetables. Sit or lie down on the ground and feel it’s support. Become a creature of the soil and rocks again.

Your ancestors can also be a great source of grounding support. The veils between the worlds are especially thin right now, making it a great time to honor and connect with your ancestors in some way. Every family has ancestors who survived floods, droughts, famine, wars, pandemics and more. Reach out to them now for guidance and support.

Come back to ground.