Our Great Work

The great work of our time is to bring the feminine into this culture. And it is not an easy path. How does each one of us contribute? Believe it or not, it’s done in the most personal ways. Take time to listen to your dreams. Write them down. Take time to recognise that there are things going on within you that need to be felt, or said, or lived, or grieved. Pay attention to these things both in yourself and in the people in your life. Pay attention to the authentic self.

~Marion Woodman


Image: Catharina Suleiman

Sagittarius Full Moon and Eclipse

This fiery full moon is is amplified by a total lunar eclipse. The next few days will be positively pulsating with the energies of transformation and expansion.

With change comes chaos. How best to handle all this wild, chaotic energy? Lena Stevens from the Power Path offers this advice:

 “It can be as uncomfortable as growing pains but if you stay present
and focused on improvement, the rewards are phenomenal.
Many indigenous peoples see this time as an anchor
for the future, the beginning of a new cycle.
What do you want? What do you need?
What is showing up for you?
~Lena Stevens


Focus on what you want to improve and change. But never stop expressing gratitude for the good things that are already present in your life. Dance with gratitude for what is, as you turn toward your heart’s desires.

Image: Lunar Eclipse
Wikimedia Commons

Smash the Patriarchy

“One by one the women step up
and commit the forbidden act
of biting into patriarchal thought
refuting it, smashing it,
discarding it and beginning again
in the very beginning when women
loved their bodies
named their gods
authored their lives
when women refused to surrender
except to life as it pulsated through them.
Women reminding us
there is nothing wrong
there never has been anything wrong
there never will be anything wrong
with woman.”

~ Patricia Lynn Reilly


Art: Mary Magdalene of Growth
by Tanya Torres

Transformative New Moon

New moon, Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Eris and our Sun are all hanging out in Aries, the sign of the fiery spiritual warrior. Whew! This new moon time is positively pulsating with the energy of change and transformation.

What do you wish to transform?
What is yearning to be born from you?
What needs to drop away?
How can you love yourself and your world even more?

Hold these questions lightly for a few days, and see what arises. There are no perfect answers. Allow your intuition to burn through the BS and uncover what’s true for you now.




“It’s just that you’re not that feminine.”

I beg to differ.

I’m feminine like a thunderstorm.

Feminine like the glint of a falcon talon.

Feminine like an ancient redwood.

Feminine like the orange glow of a grizzly bear in the sunset.

Feminine like a wolf on the hunt.

Feminine like decaying bones.

Feminine like the eye of an old whale.

Feminine like a roaring river.

Feminine like a sheer cliff overlooking a forest.

Feminine like a wildfire.

Feminine like a desert wind.

Feminine like a battle cry.

And yes.

Within my stones and bark and fur and fierce slit irises .. I am as soft
and enveloping as any woman who’s blood ever beat red.

This is the Sovereigness.

I am her.
We are her.

We are an age of woman who has come in, representing the medicine of the Wilds.

We are not built to actualize your sense of masculinity through your traditional idea of femininity.

We are built to bring in the voice of our Mother.

Which is why Earth herself screams in our veins.

So, if what you really mean is,
“Your femininity is overwhelming”,

Then I understand.

It is to me, too.

~Adrianne Tamar Arachne


In Her Image

“The image of the Goddess inspires women to see ourselves as divine, our bodies as sacred, the changing phases of our lives as holy, our aggression as healthy, our anger as purifying, and our power to nurture and create, but also to limit and destroy when necessary, as the very force that sustains all life.

Through the Goddess, we can discover our strength, enlighten our minds, own our bodies, and celebrate our emotions. We can move beyond narrow, constrictive roles and become whole.”

The Spiral Dance


Photo of Goddess vessel
by Nancy Lankston

“Just” a Mother

Drawing by Henry Gray

“It is not female biology that has betrayed the female, as Elizabeth Cady Stanton observed more than one hundred years ago, it is the myths and stories that have been told about her, what has come to be believed about her – even by the female herself.

In the Christian West, it is common for a woman to be described or to describe herself as “just a mother”. It is common for “barefoot and pregnant” to connote powerlessness. Simone de Beauvoir suggested that it was as mother that woman was most fearsome, so it was as mother that she was enslaved.

Yet there are cultures in the human community where a birthing mother is described as a “great warrior” – going to the gates of life and death, to heave and push a soul into the world.”

~Glenys Livingstone, PhD

Magna Mater, Great Mother Cybele
Lounging on her Lion