Be actively kind.
Speak your truth.
Protect those who need protection.
On the Trail of the Wild Feminine
Nancy Lankston
Be actively kind.
Speak your truth.
Protect those who need protection.
New moon in fiery Leo within the Lion’s Gate portal. During the Lion’s Gate, Sirius, Earth, and the Orion constellation are all in alignment.
Open your heart. Let yourself shine.
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a cartwheel
hair flying
in full tumble
throwing yourself
with mad delight
into the arms of
wind and spirit
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you were a starkeeper
your wishes alone
kept the stars aloft
in a velvet sky
of invitation and belonging
you knew the sylvan
truth of fireflies
and trailed their
golden lantern path
over silvered meadow
into to the lullaby
of fairyland
the moon was a
grandmother from a tale
you still remembered
watching over your every move
look! you said. Look!
everywhere we go
the moon follows us
all the way home
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
acorns were goblin hats
trees were secret keepers
clouds were sky puppets
butterflies and honey bees
were emissaries of otherwhere
guarding the old stories
adults had already forgotten
to remember
once upon a time
before the shame
and the sin
you moved through
the world like it was
your back yard
elbows made of frolic
knees made of wonder
fingers and toes a whirl
of color and possibility
your mind was full of
and your heart was full
of Oz
your body was still
a playground
and a confidant
and a friend
remember her?
she got lost somewhere
between the shame
and the sin
but she’s still there
cartwheel smile
moonbeam soul
fairy tale girl
in love with
her own life
in love with you
bawdy and soul
she’s still in there
daring, brazen
wild with
~Ang Sullins
“Tell your story.
Shout it. Write it.
Whisper it if you have to.
But tell it.
Some won’t understand it.
Some will outright reject it.
But many will
thank you for it.
And then the most
magical thing will happen.
One by one, voices will start
whispering, ‘Me, too.’
And your tribe will gather.
And you will never
feel alone again.”
~L.R. Knost
Wolf image artist unknown
“Your ancestors sent you here to change things, to disrupt things, to bring forward another way, another vision, a new light, a new way. You’ve been given an incredible opportunity.
Let your voice be heard, let your wisdom be known. Become aware of your gift, whatever it is. Let it be said that you knew your assignment. Let it be said that you completed your assignment, and that you lived boldly and without regret.”
~James Weeks,
Across The Kings River
Artist unknown
The arts of women have been called the dark arts for too long, and they are the keys to infinity.
Infinite form. Infinite being. Infinite life.
The art of far sight.
The art of inner knowing.
The art of sign-reading.
The art of deep feeling.
The art of song and circles.
The art of intuition.
The art of frequency translation.
The healing arts.
The art of kitchen witchery.
The art of communion.
The art of sacred story weaving.
The art of creation and manifestation.
And others too wild to name.
~Alison Nappi
The Wildness with Alison Nappi
Image: Fire Dance by Julia C R Gray
”It is that holy poetry and singing we are after. We want powerful words and songs that can be heard underwater and over land. It is the wild singing we are after, our chance to use the wild language we are learning by heart under the sea. When a woman speaks her truth, fires up her intention and feeling, staying tight with the instinctive nature, she is singing, she is living in the wild breath-stream of the soul. To live this way is a cycle in itself, one meant to go on, go on, go on.”
-Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Image: Prayer to the Wild and Sacred
by Nancy L