The Coming of Spring

Brigid by Laura Tempest Zakroff

Goddess Brigid is honored and celebrated at Imbolc in early Frebriary.

Brigid was born at sunrise with a flame of light shooting from her flaming red hair. Her sacred fire represents divine inspiration, warmth, safety, and home.

Brigid is also known to be a great healer and protector of life. Ancient wells honoring her are still found in Ireland and Scotland. People have prayed and left offerings at her wells for thousands of years. Their waters hold healing powers.

Ancient Nature Goddess Brigid brings the light of spring. It is said that flowers bloom wherever she walks.

May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.



Brigid’s Well, Kildare
Photo by NancyL

Emotional Full Moon in Cancer

The Moon’s Daughter by Seb McKinnon

Full moon in watery, emotional Cancer, the sign of the nurturing mother.

Expect your emotions to run high. You may be super sensitive and a bit off balance. Little upsets may seem huge.

Mother yourself. Shield yourself from the meanness of others until you feel stronger. Draw on your spiritual support. Hold your inner child close.

You’ve got this.



New Moon And Eclipse in Scorpio

New moon and Venus in Scorpio, the sign of the shaman / sorceress / witch. And a partial solar eclipse adds heat to the cauldron.

Focus on Self and Soul; use meditation, yoga, breath work, dance, time in nature to help you drop in and contemplate.

What do you need to release? Now is the time for letting go.


Jaguar Image by Susan Seddon Boulet

Watery Full Moon in Pisces

Full moon in watery Pisces. Emotions run high.

Surrender to any and all feelings that may arise in the next few days. Old emotional “demons” are surfacing. Simply acknowledge them, and open your heart. Remember that even your biggest demons can be healed through acceptance and love.

Embrace it all; your good, your bad, your ugly.


Art by Molly Gur

Watery Yin New Moon

New moon in nurturing, watery Cancer. Time to slow down and love up yourself.

You may be feeling confused, emotional, exhausted. After all, you’re only human. The past year has been filled with so much stormy change and chaos. How could you not be affected by wave after wave of change?

Try not to think so much. Rest and regroup. Get watery. Relax in water, drink water, move like water. Remember, you ARE mostly water. Reconnect with watery, flowing ways of being.

Go with the flow of how you’re feeling. Give yourself time and space to emotionally process everything that has happened to you in the past year. Clear the decks before the next wave hits.


Wave image by Nancy L

Dream with the Capricorn Full Moon

Our Moon is full in Capricorn, the earthy sign of ancient grandmother wisdom. And with the Sun in watery Cancer, this is a potent time to explore the feminine Yin energies of elemental earth and water through the eyes of the moon.

Silence your phone, settle into your chair and allow me to guide you into a moonlit forest…

