Earthy New Moon

New moon in earthy Virgo, sign of the earth priestess.

Virgo is all about honoring the rhythms and cycles and seasons of this beautiful planet.

As Summer is drawing to a close in the northern hemisphere, this is the perfect time to perform a simple ritual in honor of the seasons.

Light a candle, say a prayer or make an offering to Mama Earth. Express your gratitude for our beautiful, sacred planet and its seasons.


Airy Full Moon in Aquarius

Full moon in airy Aquarius and change is in the air. Now is a great time to think about what you would like to shift or change about your life. Consider all your options – even the wild and whimsical ones.

We are still in a state of flux, so don’t make final plans yet – simply consider your options.


Art: Taking the Moon for a boat ride’
by DD Mclinnes

The Truth of You

“You are a story the
ocean is telling
the sky

the stars speak your name
the moon sings
in your veins
the selkies who swim
through harbor and lagoon
remember you
with liquid eyes

come home
to the timeless tide
to the truth of you
hidden like witchlight
under your skin
come home to your
true story
the one hidden like
sunken treasure
who you think you are
and who the world
told you
you could be


you are more than
the roles you play
for others
and the ones you try on
for yourself
you are more than
your fear
more than your
and pain

come away
from the harsh
dry land of limitation
move away
from the shoreline
of approval
the sharp rocks of fitting in
will only bruise your
luminous skin

lay down
all you think you know
that habit of smallness
the sting of bigness
let what is unworthy
drift out from you


allow the waves
of possibility
to cradle your
soul-drenched heart


on the current of ancestors
those who burned and bled
who gave all so you
could embody
what they could not
so that you could become


spread your arms wide
like hope
and your legs wild
like abandon
feel your spine loosen
with silk and

you belong to She who holds
the deep in her lap
She is not afraid of the dark

She is the dark

and you are
the pearl
she is crafting
from chaos and crisis
look at you shine
every bit of you

~Angi Sullins


Art: The Energy of Me
by Nancy Lankston

New Moon in Leo

New moon in fiery Leo within the Lion’s Gate portal. During the Lion’s Gate, Sirius, Earth, and the Orion constellation are all in alignment.

Open your heart. Let yourself shine.



Out of Bounds Full Moon

A 2nd full moon in earthy Capricorn is happening now. This full moon is out of bounds so emotions may run high. Anything goes.

What wisdom does the ancient Capricorn grandmother have to share with you?

Pause, get still and listen.



Artist unknown

Solstice Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Summer solstice vibes add to the mix .

All the energies are a bit wild right now. Try to find balance – do whatever helps to calm you in the midst of craziness.


Artist unknown

Wild Gemini New Moon

Out of bounds new moon in Gemini, the playful trickster. Jupiter and Venus are close by, getting energized by our Sun.

Expect the unexpected.
Stay curious and open.
Get creative with whatever occurs.



Photographer unknown