Fiery New Moon in Aries

New moon in Aries, the fiery sign of the spiritual warrior. We are entering the fire of initiation now. These times are wild and scary and unpredictable. Any sense of control is lost as our world is upended. How this will end is unclear. Call in your spiritual support.

Breathe! Surrender to not knowing and not being in control. Simply feel whatever arises in you. Be gentle with yourself and everyone around you.

Now is the time to open your heart WIDE. The depth and power of the human heart can lead you through this. And you will be transformed.

Breathe. Allow your Heart to crack wide open. Surrender to what is.


Image: COVID-19 virus from the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention’s Public Health Image Library

A Prayer for Chaotic Times

I am SAFE.
I am HELD.
I am LOVED by Her.

You are SAFE
You are HELD.
You are LOVED by Her.

We are SAFE.
We are HELD.
We are LOVED by Her.


Who is Her?

In the ancient tantric tradition, Adhara Shakti is the Goddess, the divine feminine who supports us in the physical realm. She is the supportive energy in the soil and rocks of our Earth, and in the bones of your body. She is there in the the steady beat of your heart and the solid support of your pelvis and spine. She is there, always there, in the ground beneath you.

To me, Mama Earth embodies Adhara Shakti. I am safe. I am held. I am loved by Mama Earth.

Earthy Full Moon

New Life

Full moon in earthy Virgo, sacred keeper of nature’s rhythms and cycles. 

With the craziness and chaos in the world today, we all could use some earthy focus to anchor and ground us. Spend time out in nature. Watch your neighborhood for signs of early spring. 

Is that joyful birdsong from the tree? Has the wind shifted into a warmer spring pattern? Can you smell the soil waking up? Is that a bit of green poking through? Are the bees out buzzing around yet? 

Dig in the dirt, if you can. Plant something to tend and love and help grow. Or perhaps you want to watch the night sky and follow the moon through her phases this month. 

Our Earth can hold and anchor you in the current chaos, if you open and connect.

Here’s to Mama Earth and the sacred rhythms of spring.



“It’s the hard things that break; soft things don’t break.

It was an epiphany I had today and I just wonder why it took me so very, very long to see it! You can waste so many years of your life trying to become something hard in order not to break; but it’s the soft things that can’t break! The hard things are the ones that shatter into a million pieces!” 
~C. JoyBell C.



Sensual Taurus Moon

Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Full moon in Taurus, the earthy, sensual one. This moon beckons you to reach for physical pleasures. Meanwhile, the Sun in Scorpio wants you to dive deep into your feelings. The question is, can you do both? 

Create a sensory experience for yourself; explore yummy foods, scents that call to you, beautiful tunes, sensual touch, joyful movement… Get lusciously physical.

Pause and notice the emotions that surface when you treat yourself this way. Is there a part of you that pushes pleasure away? Will you allow yourself to have just a little more pleasure?




Image: Macaca fuscata by Noneotuho

Watery Full Moon

Full moon in watery Pisces. You may feel like your inner emotional waters are running too high this week. No, you’re not crazy – this is an especially emotional time.

Honor whatever you’re feeling. It’s all normal.

Try sitting with Mama Earth and allowing those difficult feelings to surface and run down into her. Earth will hold you, calm you and compost your pain and rage and grief if you let her.


Get Physical

Earthy Taurus new moon time. Get physical. Stimulate and activate your senses in luscious ways; the beauty of nature, favorite music, movement, yummy foods and scents, sensual touch.

Physical pleasure is the perfect antidote to the ongoing chaos and craziness of our world. Get physical now!
