Dreaming Wild with Water

Free Shamanic Event
11AM Mountain on March 6th, 2024

Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way.

Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance?

Water is Life. Let’s connect and help water in any way we can.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 7526 4448
Passcode: 326434

Dreaming Wild Event on February 7th

Love Your Mama

Let’s gather together and journey to the elements and elementals to ask what we can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can we help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive?

In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.

11AM Mountain on February 7th, 2024.


Link to join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 838 7686 2285
Passcode: 021407

This is a FREE event hosted by Nancy Lankston on Zoom.

Gemini Full Moon

Photo by PEXELS

Full moon in wild, creative, trickster, jokester Gemini.

Her main message? Lighten up.

Yes, it’s a crazy, chaotic shitshow out there. But you don’t have to contribute to the mess. Find your center, ground into Mama Earth, then spread peace, kindness, and joy every chance you get.


Change the world, one smile at a time.

Net Of Light


“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud


In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.

Photo by NancyL

Equinox Prayer

On this day
may you be held
in the harmony
of light and dark
in the balance
of life and death.

May you stand
in peace
believing for one day
that all good things
are possible
that all opposition
has its counterpart
that you will be healed.

May you pause
on this day
to feel the turning
of the wheel
to hear the singing
of the stars
to stand in the center
and fully know

~ Rebekah Myers,
“Equinox Prayer”



An Act of Revolution

“The reason it is hard to love yourself is because you cannot walk away from yourself. You have to sit within your skin through every painful emotion, every second of disgust and still find pieces of yourself to love through the wreckage.

This is why loving yourself is an act of revolution. It is telling yourself you deserve love even in the places you do not think are worthy love.”

~Nikita Gill


Image by Maartje van Dokkum