Goddess of the Silver Wheel

Celtic Goddess Arianrhod, is known as the Goddess of the ”Silver Wheel”. She is a primal Welsh archetype of feminine power,

As the Goddess of the Silver Wheel, Arianrhod is said to magically weave the tapestry of life and death.

She resides in the far north on the magical island of Caer Sidi. The ancients believed that her castle is in the Corona Borealis, the group of stars that revolve around the North Star. Poets and astrologers learn the wisdom of the stars at Caer Sidi. .

Caer Sidi is also known as Annwn, the Otherworld, land of the dead. Arianrhod is responsible for the souls of warriors who fall in battle. She gathers and transports them to her domain. There, in the Northern sky, whirling around the enduring stability of the north star, Arianrhod presides over the fates of departed souls, nurturing and protecting them between lives.



Art: January by Amanda Clark

Mystical Gemini Full Moon

In honor of this full moon in Gemini, a magical poem by Mary Oliver…

Moon and Water

I wake and spend
the last hours
of darkness
with no one

but the moon.
She listens
to my complaints
like the good

companion she is
and comforts me surely
with her light.
But she, like everyone,

has her own life.
So finally I understand
that she has turned away,
is no longer listening.

She wants me
to refold myself
into my own life.
And, bending close,

as we all dream of doing,
she rows with her white arms
through the dark water


Art by Georgia O’Keefe

High Tide Full Moon

Full moon in watery Pisces with a partial lunar eclipse tonight.

Emotions are at ‘high tide’ right now. Slow your roll and remember to breathe as you consciously focus on whatever emotion surfaces.

The next few days are an extra potent dream time. Take note of your dreams and waking visions. Soul is speaking to you.


Art: High Tide by Cindy Thornton

Tending Solstice Fire

Join me in a guided Earth Tending in honor of sacred sunlight and Solstice.


Solstice is the perfect time to tend to the elemental fire of the sacred Sun that warms us and makes life possible on Earth.

Take a guided shamanic journey to honor and tend to elemental fire and sunlight. This Shamanism Without Borders tending was recorded a few days ago on Summer Solstice.

Click Here to access the audio recording.

Dreaming Wild – Every Day Is Earth Day

Photo By Geralt (Pixabay)

Let’s gather together and take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. We will journey with the drum, connect and listen to the land with open hearts. What does our Mother wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and assist her?

This is a FREE Event.

Wednesday April 24th, 2024
1 PM Mountain.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 0516 7861
Passcode: 100155