Dreaming Wild – Every Day Is Earth Day

Photo By Geralt (Pixabay)

Let’s gather together and take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. We will journey with the drum, connect and listen to the land with open hearts. What does our Mother wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and assist her?

This is a FREE Event.

Wednesday April 24th, 2024
1 PM Mountain.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 0516 7861
Passcode: 100155

Dreaming Wild Event on February 7th

Love Your Mama

Let’s gather together and journey to the elements and elementals to ask what we can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can we help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive?

In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.

11AM Mountain on February 7th, 2024.


Link to join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 838 7686 2285
Passcode: 021407

This is a FREE event hosted by Nancy Lankston on Zoom.

Love Your Mama Audio Recording

Here is an audio recording of the Love Your Mama Event I held earlier today:

Take a guided dream journey in the shamanic style and ask the land and waters how you can help. Call on the Celtic Goddess Danu – the ancient, primordial mother of all things – and ask for guidance.

How can you be of service to Mama Earth? 
What does the land ask of you?
What do the waters have to share?
How can you tend to the needs of Mother Danu / Pachamama / Gaia on Earth Day and every day?

Virgo Earth Goddess Full Moon

Full moon in Virgo, the sign of the Earth Goddess / Priestess. This moon is sometimes called the worm moon. It is the closest full moon to spring equinox.

Here in the northern hemisphere, the ground is beginning to thaw and the worms are stirring. Mama Earth is waking up. Have faith. Spring is on its way.

Now is the perfect time to set intentions and make plans for spring.

What does your heart desire after the long, dark months? Shake off the cobwebs of winter and take a step or two towards your desire now.



Image from Queen of the Moon Oracle

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full moon in earthy, sensual Taurus. A total lunar eclipse will be visible in North America in the early morning hours of Tuesday. AND the sun is sitting in Scorpio communing with Venus.

All of this makes for an intense few days. Expect to feel stirred up and emotional. Be gentle with yourself. Stay grounded – root deep.

Make time every day to do whatever calms you; reading a good novel, taking a bubble bath, going for a hike in nature, meditating, practicing yoga… whatever calms your mind and relaxes your body.

You may receive insights during the peak eclipse energy. Don’t try to force it – just be open to ah ha’s and new ideas that surface.

Now is NOT the time to make big life decisions. Save those for another week.


Image: full moon over standing stones
Calanais, Isle of Lewis.
Artist unknown