Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Full moon in earthy, sensual Taurus. A total lunar eclipse will be visible in North America in the early morning hours of Tuesday. AND the sun is sitting in Scorpio communing with Venus.

All of this makes for an intense few days. Expect to feel stirred up and emotional. Be gentle with yourself. Stay grounded – root deep.

Make time every day to do whatever calms you; reading a good novel, taking a bubble bath, going for a hike in nature, meditating, practicing yoga… whatever calms your mind and relaxes your body.

You may receive insights during the peak eclipse energy. Don’t try to force it – just be open to ah ha’s and new ideas that surface.

Now is NOT the time to make big life decisions. Save those for another week.


Image: full moon over standing stones
Calanais, Isle of Lewis.
Artist unknown

Earthy New Moon and Eclipse

New moon in earthy Taurus AND a partial eclipse of the sun.

Dark moon, dark sun
Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn align
Powerful energies
Auspicious times.

Sit with yourself
Sit with the dark
And the light.

What is true
What is false
What is working
What is not
Consider it all.

Make new plans
Set intentions
A new cycle



Full Moon in Virgo

Mama Earth, Our Home

Full moon in earthy Virgo, the keeper of Earth’s rhythms and cycles.

Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself delving into the details of issues and habits that need to change. Analysis can be a great use of Virgo energy, but try not to overdo it. Be gentle with yourself. You really don’t need to alter every aspect of your life.

With the moon now in Virgo and spring equinox just around the corner, it is the perfect time to connect with and honor Mama Earth.

Spend some time out in nature, and express your gratitude to Mama Earth for the food, water, air and shelter she provides. No need to create an elaborate ritual; simply express your love and gratitude to Mama Earth in some simple way.

Image from NASA


We have arrived at Imbolc – the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox.

Days are lengthening, seeds are stirring, animals are birthing. Mama Earth is beginning to awaken from her long winter slumber.

Celebrate that spring is on its way.



Image: Imbolc – The Maiden Awakens
by Annie Louvaine


She is the Life/Death/Life force, she is the incubator. She is intuition, she is far-seer, she is deep listener, she is loyal heart. She encourages humans to remain multilingual; fluent in the languages of dreams, passion, and poetry. She whispers from night dreams, she leaves behind on the terrain of a woman’s soul a coarse hair and muddy footprints. These fill women with longing to find her, free her, and love her.”

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Image: Triple Goddess
by Amy Haderer

Capricorn New Moon

New moon in earthy Capricorn, wise grandmother protector of our planet home. Now is the time to honor and care for Mama Earth.


“Mother Earth needs us to keep our covenant. We will do this in courts, we will do this on our radio station, and we will commit to our descendants to work hard to protect this land and water for them. Whether you have feet, wings, fins, or roots, we are all in it together.”

~Winona LaDuke
Environmental activist


We are the Earth
The Earth are We.

Image: Presence of Gaia
by Josephine Wall

Taurus Full Moon Eclipse

This full moon in earthy, sensuous Taurus will be eclipsed later tonight, becoming almost completely engulfed in the shadow of planet Earth.

This eclipse window is an extremely potent time. You may already be roiling with emotion. At times like these, emotional issues come up asking for resolution and healing.

You can use the amplified energy of this time to take an honest look at your life. Have you been irresponsible or careless with others in some way? Or with yourself?

Be kind and gentle with yourself as you take an unflinching look at your behavior. This is a chance to own and forgive old mistakes or misconceptions that have been weighing you down.

Image: Wikimedia Commons