Tending Solstice Fire

Join me in a guided Earth Tending in honor of sacred sunlight and Solstice.


Solstice is the perfect time to tend to the elemental fire of the sacred Sun that warms us and makes life possible on Earth.

Take a guided shamanic journey to honor and tend to elemental fire and sunlight. This Shamanism Without Borders tending was recorded a few days ago on Summer Solstice.

Click Here to access the audio recording.

Solstice Full Moon

Full moon in earthy Capricorn. Summer solstice vibes add to the mix .

All the energies are a bit wild right now. Try to find balance – do whatever helps to calm you in the midst of craziness.


Artist unknown

Wild Aries New Moon And Eclipse

A new moon and total solar eclipse will happen in Aries today and the energies are WILD.

These events in Aries trigger a surge of energy that bathes our Earth in fiery warrior vibes. Aries represents the archetypal spiritual warrior overflowing with passion and courage and drive.

You may feel itchy and twitchy. Action of some kind is required. So twist and shout. Let it all out



Images of 2017 total solar eclipse
from University of Illinois-Springfield.

Leo New Moon Wisdom

Relax into this moment, this place
Shine your light
Share the fire in your heart
Be your big, badass soul-self
And just keep shining.



Image by HolgaJen,
Available on Etsy

Aries New Moon and Hybrid Solar Eclipse

New Moon Divination
From The Wildwood Tarot Deck

This is the second new moon in Aries this year – a rare event. And even more rare is the hybrid solar eclipse aligning with this new moon. The eclipse will begin as an annular eclipse and then progress to a total solar eclipse visible in the South Pacific and parts of Australia. Eclipses tend to shake up the established order and this one is no exception.

Here is what the cards have to say:

8 The StagUniversal balance, judgment, divine intervention

On a personal level, some kind of adjustment has taken place. The key word here is ‘responsibility.’ We must, as individuals, constantly observe the rules and regulations of society and these can fluctuate as the views and knowledge of civilization change. Whether on a political or moral level, we subconsciously know when realignment of our perception is due. This is a time to welcome the justice that has arrived with the coming of spring, and the fire of creation. Face the coming season with honesty and integrity and trust to right and appropriate action.

8 of Vessels – Rebirth

Rejoice! A time of renewal and potential is here. The cycle of rebirth and healing brings inner peace and confidence. Once you accept that all the blessings and gifts of life can be yours or, indeed already belong to you, the fear of asking is gone. It is time to shed the skin of the past and accept and utilize the overflowing potential of the present that is freely available to you. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Do not be afraid to ask: ‘Why not me?’ See potential where others only see barriers. See challenges as others see impossible odds. Apply all that you have learned through experience and toil to any problem and you will not fail. You have striven to survive and absorb insight; you have endured loss to retain your integrity. All of these trials have made you stronger, wiser and more effective. Drink of this new fountain of opportunity and renew your life objectives. You have endured the past, its gifts were hard won; now the challenge of the future unfolds. Grasp it and shape it in your hands as you would have it manifest in your life.




Navigating The New Moon In Aries

Divination for this New Moon in Aries,
The Fiery Spiritual Warrior

2 The Seer – inspiration, wisdom, inner vision, shamanic flight, Soul healing, empathy with nature, oracular prophecy

The time has come to focus your power and let it flow through you. Many dreams or desires related to the creative emotional process are ready to be applied in your day-to-day life and you must give vent to those hidden or suppressed longings… The manifestation of inner spiritual or esoteric insights into your practical and physical daily life will bring profound rewards and results.

King of Arrows Kingfisher – intelligence, strength, watchfulness, counseling, ability to judge true from false

You may need to exercise judgment, power, force of will. The king is impartial and helps you to see clearly what you no longer need to hold onto. Use your strength to cut yourself free of what weighs you down.



Cards drawn from Wildwood Tarot