New Moon of the Grandmothers

Earthy new moon in Capricorn, wisdom sign of the ancient grandmothers. An annular ring of fire solar eclipse is also stirring things up. It may seem like dissonance and disconnections are “in your face.” Other people may push their own agenda regarding what’s best for you. Breathe deeply and hold your inner knowing close.

This is also a time for ancestral healing and clearing. Family rules, traditions and patterns may surface. Embrace the ones that fit for you and let the rest go.

Only you know what’s right for you. Honor and trust your own heart.

Image: Wikimedia commons

New Moon in Sagittarius

Fiery new moon in Sagittarius, the soulful adventurer. With Sagittarius lighting a fire within you, a desire to leap in new directions may fill you.

New experiences and changes can be wonderfully healing, life affirming and transformative. Just remember that every fire needs a protective fire ring or container – even the fire of passion. Create a controlled burn, NOT a raging inferno.

Note: The new moon was exact on Nov. 26, but travel made posting impossible. No worries – energies of the new moon continue to have an impact for 3-5 days.


Full Moon in Warrior Aries

Warrior Goddess Artemis

Energized full moon in fiery Aries, badass warrior for truth. Plus Pluto is squaring the Sun and Moon, bringing old dysfunctional patterns and habits to the surface. 

Big energy is rocking our world right now – what will you do with it? What might you do that would honor your badass self and your truth? 

Now is a great time to release old BS that is holding you back. Even a small correction in your trajectory can have a big impact. Take a deep breath and aim true.

New Moon in Leo

New moon in fiery Leo, the king of all he surveys.

As summer reaches its zenith, you may feel the need to DO something big and dramatic to shift things. But with Venus and Mars in the underworld and a host of retrograde planets, now is simply not the ideal time for big, consequential actions. 

Do whatever it takes to maintain your balance. Eliminate some of the excessive stimulation bombarding you. Chill out. Slow your roll. Think everything through.

Get yin to counteract the yang of this time.


Fiery Full Moon

Image: Fire Dragon by Nancy Lankston

Fiery full moon in Sagittarius aligned with the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Meanwhile Jupiter and Neptune are squaring each other, and Pluto is stirring up Saturn . What crazy potent times we live in!

Huge expansive shifts are possible IF you are willing to release and burn away the ancient fears and rules that keep you bound in place.

Let that old crap go. Then dream into the heart of what you truly desire.


Hey Mansplainer

This was Inspired by the faces of the women of Congress watching Trump’s State of the Union speech…

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
Are you trying to impress me?
Because it’s not working.
What exactly is your point?
Maybe there isn’t one.
Maybe you simply love
the sound of you own voice.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
This voice of authority
Lecture series of yours
Bores me spit-less.
Oh, I’ve smiled politely
For my entire life
As ‘important’ guys
Explained the world to me.
It’s getting old, so old.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah
It’s way past time
To reveal my true face.
My nobody cares face.
My you’re so full of shit face.
My do you impress yourself face.
My holy Hell, who put you in charge face.

Blah blah blah
Blah blah.
Times up.