Do You

No need to hurry. No need to sparkle.
No need to be anybody but oneself.”

~Virginia Woolf

Tattoo Image: आत्मता  मति 
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Wild Gemini New Moon

New moon in airy Gemini, joined by the Sun, Mercury and Venus. We are awash in wild Gemini energies for the next few days.

Let the trickster games begin! Try to relax and enjoy the carnival ride that Gemini loves to create. Shape-shift into your child self and look for the magic. It’s here all around, if you look. Coyote Gemini always brings magic.

Avoid getting too mental and over-thinking things (Gemini’s shadow). If you try to make sense of the world right now, you will only make yourself crazy. So, let your hair down and unleash you inner 4 year old!

Flip off the news. Literally, flip it off!

Sing a silly song. Waltz down the supermarket aisle. Play with your food. Talk like a munchkin. Make monster faces. You can return to responsible adulthood in a few days. But for now, giggle and wiggle and make some fun.

Who Is In Control?

For many of us, this may be the first time in our lives that we have felt so little control over our own destiny and the destiny of those we love. This lack of control initially feels like a loss, a humiliation, a stepping backward, an undesired vulnerability. However, recognizing our lack of control is a universal starting point for a serious spiritual walk towards wisdom and truth.

To be in control of one’s destiny, job, or finances is nearly an unquestionable moral value in Western society. The popular phrase “take control of your life” even sounds mature and spiritual. It is the fundamental message of nearly every self-help book. On a practical level, it is true, but not on the big level. Our bodies, our souls, and especially our failures teach us this as we get older. We are clearly not in control, as this pandemic is now teaching the whole planet.

Learning that we are not in control situates us correctly in the universe. If we are to feel at home in this world, we have to come to know that we are not steering this ship. That teaching is found in the mystical writings of all religions. Mystics know they are being guided, and their reliance upon that guidance is precisely what allows their journey to happen. We cannot understand that joy and release unless we’ve have been there and experienced the freedom for ourselves.

~Richard Rohr



Image: Desert Electric
by Jessie Eastland

Feminine Essence

When I say the feminine, I don’t mean gender. I mean the feminine principle that is living—or suppressed—in both men and women. The feminine principle attempts to relate. Instead of breaking things off into parts, it says, Where are we alike? How can we connect? Where is the love? Can you listen to me? Can you really hear what I am saying? Can you see me? Do you care whether you see me or not?

Now, these are very serious questions. And the feminine is difficult to talk about because so few people have experienced it. The feminine is presence, and relatedness, and a heart that can open so that when you meet another person you actually are seeing that person’s authentic self. What meaning does human life have if nobody has ever seen you?

… The great work of our time is to bring the feminine into this culture. And it’s not an easy path. How does each one of us contribute? Believe it or not, it’s done in the most personal ways. Take time to listen to your dreams, to write them down. Take time to recognise that there are things going on within you that need to be felt, or said, or lived, or grieved. Pay attention to these things both in yourself and in the people in your life. Pay attention to the authentic self.

~Marion Woodman


Image: Mother and Child
Frances Hodgkins

Full Moon with Feeling

Full moon in Scorpio, the queen of watery, emotional depths. Raw, wild emotion is all around us.

Yes, life is chaotic and difficult to fathom right now. Yes, reality is shifting. And yes, you probably want to crawl under the covers and stay there for a good long while. Quite understandable in these crazy times.

Spiral into the heart of whatever you are feeling. Simply breathe and stay with your feelings. Allow yourself to be present with whatever comes up. Breathe and feel it all.

The way out is through.


Bone Moon Wisdom

We locked up our wisdom into our bones
And swallowed the keys
They sank in our rivers of blood
And we forgot the maps
Because we had to forget the mysteries
To keep them safe.

We wove our hair into brooms
And swept over our paths
And then burned the earth with our rage
We didn’t teach our children
It was the only way to protect them,
we thought.

But in them we planted seeds, seeds and keys
And told them stories and riddles and songs
With no roots, just tangled threads
That would take years to unwind
Just enough time
For the rains to fall again
And put out the fires.

For the dams to break
For the rivers to flood
For the paths to be walked again
For the soil to breathe.

And as the old bones crumble
Deep beneath the rubble,
We find we’ve always had the keys.
Our stories and our maps
Our paths are revealed to some
And the seeds grow again.
The threads are unspun
And woven again

~Amara Bronwyn Hollow Bones

Earthy New Moon


New moon in sensual, earthy Taurus. Mama Earth is calling.

In these wild quarantine times, a connection to Mama Earth is more important than ever. Find a way to maintain social distancing and GET OUTSIDE! 

Venture out to a nearby park, garden, trail or natural space where you can walk or sit. Breathe in life sprouting and blooming all around you. Revel in the beauty and abundance of spring. 

Ask Mama Earth to hold you, support you, calm you. With her help, you can come back to ground and connect with what truly matters.


Image: Pachamama, Mother of us all.
Artist unknown