A Single Cloth

She who reconciles the ill-matched threads
Of her life, and weaves them gratefully
Into a single cloth – 
It’s she who drives the loudmouths from the hall
And clears it for a different celebration.”

~Rainer Maria Rilke


Art by Deidre Adams,
Tracings No. XIII

Calming Your Inner Critic

Art by Maartje van Dokkum

Here’s a powerful practice from Ann Weiser Cornell to shift your experience with your inner critics so you feel relaxed instead of undermined. 

Let’s try it…

  1. Pause: Take a moment to settle into your body. Feel your feet. Feel your seat. Allow yourself to arrive in the inner area of your body, throat, chest, stomach, and below. Remember a time when something in you said critical things to you. Maybe something like, “What makes you think you can do this?”
  2. Acknowledge: When you find your inner critic’s words, try saying it like this: “I’m sensing something in me saying __________________.” Mine often sounds like my father because it learned its language from him. So my sentence would be “I’m sensing something in me saying ‘who do you think you are?’”
  3. Say Hello: And then say hello to the one who is saying that. You’re not agreeing or disagreeing with what it says. You’re simply saying “Hello.” Try saying out loud, “I’m sensing something in me saying ____________ and I’m saying hello to it.”
  4. Listen: Because inner critics are often worried, we want to invite them to let us know what they’re worried about. We can do that by saying, “Might you be worried?” And then listen to its response. When I sense the part of me that says “who do you think you are?”, it lets me know that it is worried I’ll get bigger than other people are comfortable with. For it, that means I’ll get attacked or hurt somehow.
  5. Let it Know You Hear It: Gently let your inner critic know you sense what it’s worried about. You’ll get a sense of relief just from IT finally being able to let you know why it is worried.This is just a beginning. As you practice responding to Inner Critics with compassion and confidence, you’re far less likely to get taken over by them and far less likely to feel bad about yourself.

Here’s the powerful truth:

Every inner critic is trying to save you.They’re just so worried something bad will happen to you that they talk to you in a way that leaves you feeling terrible. But you can turn that around when you know how to respond to them. Lasting change comes from how you relate to yourself and everything you feel.

I’m Slowly Learning

“I’m slowly learning that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t make people suddenly love and respect me, it won’t magically change their minds.

Sometimes it’s better to just let things be, let people go, don’t fight for closure, don’t ask for explanations, don’t chase answers and don’t expect people to understand where you’re coming from.

I’m slowly learning that life is better lived when you don’t center it on what’s happening around you and center it on what’s happening inside you instead.”

~Rania Naim



Art: Girl in Earth
by Marta Bevacqua

The Truth of You

“You are a story the
ocean is telling
the sky

the stars speak your name
the moon sings
in your veins
the selkies who swim
through harbor and lagoon
remember you
with liquid eyes

come home
to the timeless tide
to the truth of you
hidden like witchlight
under your skin
come home to your
true story
the one hidden like
sunken treasure
who you think you are
and who the world
told you
you could be


you are more than
the roles you play
for others
and the ones you try on
for yourself
you are more than
your fear
more than your
and pain

come away
from the harsh
dry land of limitation
move away
from the shoreline
of approval
the sharp rocks of fitting in
will only bruise your
luminous skin

lay down
all you think you know
that habit of smallness
the sting of bigness
let what is unworthy
drift out from you


allow the waves
of possibility
to cradle your
soul-drenched heart


on the current of ancestors
those who burned and bled
who gave all so you
could embody
what they could not
so that you could become


spread your arms wide
like hope
and your legs wild
like abandon
feel your spine loosen
with silk and

you belong to She who holds
the deep in her lap
She is not afraid of the dark

She is the dark

and you are
the pearl
she is crafting
from chaos and crisis
look at you shine
every bit of you

~Angi Sullins


Art: The Energy of Me
by Nancy Lankston