Be wild.

Let your hair down
feel the life in your breath
embrace your animal body
laze in the sun
ground in the moist earth
flow with the rivers
run with the wind.
Get to know your inner wildness
the internal springs,
nocturnal beasts and invertebrates
the forgotten place where you hide
your wild self
the creature of instinct and intuition.
Be wild.
Let yourself go
where your heart wanders
when you sleep
dream about flying high
and diving deep
and finally realizing who
you really are.

– Alissa Wild

Embodied Joy

Embodied Joy

Yesterday I danced in the kitchen and felt JOY.  Earlier this week, I watched a funny movie and felt JOY moving through me as I belly laughed again and again. Last Saturday I got sweaty hiking up a mountain and felt JOY.  And who could forget the sex that left me breathless with JOY?

I think I’ve had it all wrong about JOY. For years I believed that JOY was an emotion that lives in the heart. If you had asked me what JOY was a month ago, I would have said something about JOY being a loving emotion of the heart. But now I’m beginning to think JOY is a full body emotion. JOY is embodied.

Why are little kids so JOYful? They live in their bodies!  Little kids don’t think their way through life, they jiggle and wiggle and dance through life. Life is a full body experience for little kids. Why are many adults so serious and JOY-less?  I’m guessing it has a lot to do with thinking their way through every experience.  By adulthood, body has become secondary to brain and life loses a lot of its JOY.

When I manage to get out of my head and allow myself to experience life through every sensation in my body, JOY spontaneously bubbles up inside of me. JOY fills me.

Hmm, even the language we use to describe JOY is body centered; we are JOYful = our body is full of JOY. We don’t feel JOY so much as fill with it!

Life is a full body sport. So, now I am on a mission: I want to embody JOY as often as possible. To feel myself fill with JOY every day. My body already knows how to do this. I simply need to get my head out of the way and allow my body to do what comes naturally.

If you pass me on the street next week, I hope I’m wiggling and jiggling with JOY.


This is what came bubbling up and out of me this morning…

Touched by a man who thought
MY body was his, all his
To do as he pleased.

And it hurt so much I couldn’t breathe.
I took the dirt and the pain of it
and I buried it deep.

And I buried it all deep inside me
Buried it deep where no one would see
And covered it with shame.



Dedicated to all the women and girls out there who have been touched in ways that hurt

AND the good men who want to understand.

Everything is the Path

Life is Messy

Here we are in our humanness, in our grumpiness, in our glory, in our sexiness,
in our dirty dishes, in our exhaustion, in our irritation and in our genius.

Gradually, with practice, we begin to see that the way
life shows up is not an error or deviation from Her.

There is nothing to quickly overcome so we can get back to our lives
and back to our spiritual path. The Goddess reveals that all of this is Her;
all of this is holy. There is nothing we need to get rid of.

Everything we experience is the path.

~ Chameli Devi Ardagh
Awakening Women

Shakti Power

New Life
Weed Love by Nancy L

“There is a deep intelligence intrinsic to all of us that we call Shakti: a creative life force pressing through all things. It wants to grow, to become. It is powerful beyond comprehension. It moves the planets; it erupts volcanoes; it allows the butterfly to burst out of the cocoon.
This same Shakti is what awakens you and brings awareness into the frozen, rigid places. It is the longing that presses through you, telling you some of your old ways of being are too small for you, like old clothes that don’t fit anymore.”

~Chameli Ardagh
Awakening Women

I Don’t Know, Show Me

Rose by Nancy L

I have found that one of the most effective ways to shift and change my state of mind is actually quite simple.  This method is simple enough that I can remember it even when I am feeling less than perfect, upset or off-balance:

Step 1:  Pause and Get Still. Breathe. And breathe again.

Step 2: Offer Up a Simple Prayer to the Universe, “I don’t know Spirit / God / Source. I don’t have the answer here. Please show me.”

Step 3: Open Your Heart to Yourself. Open to the flow of love that is within you in this very moment. It’s not about calling or pulling in love from outside of you – because, at the core, you are light, love and grace already! Allow yourself to feel your pure loving essence. Breathe deep and open up to the essence of love that is within you in every single moment. If this is difficult, just ask for help from Spirit.

Step 4: Allow Your Love to Flow. Your essence is pure light and love. You were birthed from an ocean of love. Pure unconditional love is the foundation of our Universe. And your cells flow with that same light and love now.

Can you open your heart and accept how truly amazing you are? You do not need to move mountains, create more success or perform miracles – you already ARE a miracle, a walking talking miracle!  Allow the miraculous love that is your true essence to flow in you and through you now.