Like the Moon

And if you are to love, 

love like the moon loves. 

It doesn’t steal the night. 

It only unveils the beauty of the dark 

        ~Isra Al-Thibeh


Moon Photo by Nancy L

Full Moon in Libra

Full moon in airy Libra. The days are lengthening and warming. Spring is stirring. And something heavy has lifted that goes beyond the seasonal shift. A lightening has begun. But of what? Sometimes it is only in hindsight that we understand what has occurred.

How are you relating to the world? To yourself? Now is the time to lighten up. Change your approach. Free your inner dancer, singer, joker. Cut loose. Embrace your growing spring fever.

It’s been a long slog of a pandemic winter. Time to leave your rut behind.



by Sin-Eater

“Just” a Mother

Drawing by Henry Gray

“It is not female biology that has betrayed the female, as Elizabeth Cady Stanton observed more than one hundred years ago, it is the myths and stories that have been told about her, what has come to be believed about her – even by the female herself.

In the Christian West, it is common for a woman to be described or to describe herself as “just a mother”. It is common for “barefoot and pregnant” to connote powerlessness. Simone de Beauvoir suggested that it was as mother that woman was most fearsome, so it was as mother that she was enslaved.

Yet there are cultures in the human community where a birthing mother is described as a “great warrior” – going to the gates of life and death, to heave and push a soul into the world.”

~Glenys Livingstone, PhD

Magna Mater, Great Mother Cybele
Lounging on her Lion

A Little Bit of Soft

Why do we spend all of our precious soft?
trying to be hard
talking like we’re hard
dressing like we’re hard
pretending to be hard
moving like we’re hard
acting like we’re hard
writing like we’re hard
living like we’re hard

until we wake up one morning
and we’d give anything
to feel a little bit of

~Max Mundan



Natural Love

This morning as I walked along the lakeshore,
I fell in love with a wren
and later in the day with a mouse
the cat had dropped under the dining room table.

In the shadows of an autumn evening,
I fell for a seamstress
still at her machine in the tailor’s window,
and later for a bowl of broth,
steam rising like smoke from a naval battle.

This is the best kind of love, I thought,
without recompense, without gifts,
or unkind words, without suspicion,
or silence on the telephone.

The love of the chestnut,
the jazz cap and one hand on the wheel.

No lust, no slam of the door –
the love of the miniature orange tree,
the clean white shirt, the hot evening shower,
the highway that cuts across Florida.

No waiting, no huffiness, or rancor –
just a twinge every now and then

for the wren who had built her nest
on a low branch overhanging the water
and for the dead mouse,
still dressed in its light brown suit.

But my heart is always propped up
in a field on its tripod,
ready for the next arrow.

After I carried the mouse by the tail
to a pile of leaves in the woods,
I found myself standing at the bathroom sink
gazing down affectionately at the soap,

so patient and soluble,
so at home in its pale green soap dish.
I could feel myself falling again
as I felt its turning in my wet hands
and caught the scent of lavender and stone.

~Billy Collins, Aimless Love

Image by Nancy Lankston

New Moon, New Vision

New moon in airy, visionary Aquarius. Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are hanging out there as well. It’s quite an Aquarian gathering.

The energies of a new moon make it an ideal time to think about the future and set intentions. And this Aquarian new moon is especially ripe for visioning and planning. The expansive, visionary energies are HUGE right now!

Last year was a wild “shake up” period. Most of us had long held habits and assumptions stripped away in the chaos and turbulence. This is the perfect time to stop and regroup.

What path do you find yourself on now? Is this still the right path for you? What do you want to add and subtract from your present life? Where do you want to tweak and adjust your life as you move deeper into 2021?

Take the long view and consider all your options – even the wild ones!


P.S. Sacred feminine queen Venus is tapping into Aquarian energies as she prepares to drop out of sight and begin her journey into the underworld. She will be doing some navel gazing and clearing while she’s behind the Sun for the next few months. This is a wonderful time to connect with her deep feminine wisdom.

Image: Boreal Owl, Wikipedia

Crone Wisdom

“Don’t prioritise your looks my friend,
they won’t last the journey.
Your sense of humour though, will only get better.
Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom.
Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection.
Your capacity for stillness, for living in the moment, will blossom.
And your desire to live each and every moment will transcend all other wants.
Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall.
Don’t prioritise your looks my friend,
they will change forevermore,
that pursuit is one of much sadness and disappointment.
Prioritise the uniqueness that make you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.
These are the things which will only get better.”

~Donna Ashworth