New moon in airy, visionary Aquarius. Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are hanging out there as well. It’s quite an Aquarian gathering.
The energies of a new moon make it an ideal time to think about the future and set intentions. And this Aquarian new moon is especially ripe for visioning and planning. The expansive, visionary energies are HUGE right now!
Last year was a wild “shake up” period. Most of us had long held habits and assumptions stripped away in the chaos and turbulence. This is the perfect time to stop and regroup.
What path do you find yourself on now? Is this still the right path for you? What do you want to add and subtract from your present life? Where do you want to tweak and adjust your life as you move deeper into 2021?
Take the long view and consider all your options – even the wild ones!
P.S. Sacred feminine queen Venus is tapping into Aquarian energies as she prepares to drop out of sight and begin her journey into the underworld. She will be doing some navel gazing and clearing while she’s behind the Sun for the next few months. This is a wonderful time to connect with her deep feminine wisdom.
Image: Boreal Owl, Wikipedia