On the Trail of the Wild Feminine
Nancy Lankston
“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud
In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.
Originally published November 1, 2017
Certain times in our lives are filled with potency and magic. Twilight is such a time, as is dawn. These are magical moments when it is neither day nor night. Birth is another potent in-between time, along with death. These special times mark borders and transition zones. The in-between is a sacred time when magic is afoot.
Here in the northern hemisphere, we find ourselves on the boundary between autumn and winter. The light is slowly fading away as our Sun drops lower and lower in the sky and our nights grow longer. This is another potent in-between time. The ancient Celtic people would celebrate Samhain (Sow-in) at this time. Some tribes chose to celebrate at the 1st new moon after late harvest (November 4th, 2021). Other tribes celebrated at the 1st full moon after harvest. The celebration of Samhain was a beautiful way to honor the seasonal transition out of the light and into the dark.
The veils between the worlds grow very thin during this sacred in-between time. Loved ones who have departed this Earth are believed to be nearby. Many people in Mexico honor this by celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) at this time.
Samhain is the perfect time to acknowledge and celebrate the sacred cycles of birth – growth – death – rebirth that are an integral part of Nature.
Some suggestions for acknowledging and honoring the magical in-between time of Samhain:
Take a few moments to honor everything you have “harvested” this year.
Bow to your ancestors and thank them for giving you this life.
Offer love and prayers to loved ones who have transitioned.
Thank the brilliant light of summer and embrace the deep dark of winter.
Listen for spiritual guidance to help you in the coming year.
Full moon in earthy Taurus on Halloween. The moon is visiting with Uranus, a powerful agent of change. Meanwhile, the sun is in wise and witchy Scorpio.
Our cultural initiation continues.
During normal times, full moons stir up sensitive humans (just ask an ER nurse how crazy people get during full moons). And these are wilder than normal times. A contentious US election is just around the corner. The COVID pandemic is worsening as well. You can bet that this full moon will deliver more chaos and crazy surprises.
Time to get physical.
The antidote to chaos and craziness is to ground in the physical world. Focus on physical movement : walking, jogging, dancing, squats, yoga, weight lifting, etc. Eat grounding foods such as carrots, potatoes, beets and other root vegetables. Sit or lie down on the ground and feel it’s support. Become a creature of the soil and rocks again.
Your ancestors can also be a great source of grounding support. The veils between the worlds are especially thin right now, making it a great time to honor and connect with your ancestors in some way. Every family has ancestors who survived floods, droughts, famine, wars, pandemics and more. Reach out to them now for guidance and support.
Come back to ground.
Full moon tonight in earthy Capricorn, the shaper. The energies are amplified by a penumbral eclipse of the moon, visible in North America.
The deep feminine wisdom of the grandmothers is calling to you now. As old structures and rules are dismantled all around you, the grandmothers ask you to get clear about what you truly want.
What do you want in your world? Get grounded in this reality and then envision a new future unfolding before you.
Do you see a faint path headed in the direction of your truth? Follow it!
How can you begin to shape and build the future you desire? Transformation only requires you to take one tiny step at a time.
Nothing is impossible with the ancestral grandmothers by your side. Ask for their guidance and support.
🌙 ❤️
Image: detail from my painting, Dreaming True.
“Originally the Goddess ruled, or co-created, the magical life cycle forces of sexuality, birth, life and death. With the coming of patriarchal religions, the power of life and death became prerogatives of the male God, while sexuality and magic were split off from procreation and motherhood.”
-Barbara Koltuv, The Book of Lilith
Image: the Laussel Relief 27,000 BCE. Found in southern France. It depicts the connection between a woman’s body and the mystery of the cosmos; one hand holds a crescent moon and the other points to her pelvis. Archeologists debate about what the 13 lines on the crescent moon signify. One possibility: 29,000 years ago, humans already knew that there are 13 moon cycles in a year.
🌙 ❤️
We locked up our wisdom into our bones
And swallowed the keys
They sank in our rivers of blood
And we forgot the maps
Because we had to forget the mysteries
To keep them safe.
We wove our hair into brooms
And swept over our paths
And then burned the earth with our rage
We didn’t teach our children
It was the only way to protect them,
we thought.
But in them we planted seeds, seeds and keys
And told them stories and riddles and songs
With no roots, just tangled threads
That would take years to unwind
Just enough time
For the rains to fall again
And put out the fires.
For the dams to break
For the rivers to flood
For the paths to be walked again
For the soil to breathe.
And as the old bones crumble
Deep beneath the rubble,
We find we’ve always had the keys.
Our stories and our maps
Our paths are revealed to some
And the seeds grow again.
The threads are unspun
And woven again
~Amara Bronwyn Hollow Bones