Aquarius New Moon and Year of the Wood Snake

New moon in airy Aquarius, the visionary. Mercury and Pluto are also in Aquarius, stirring things up and bringing our shadows into the light.

Aquarius is all about creating unity for all beings here on Earth, despite our differences. Aquarius reminds us of our shared humanity.


Today also marks the beginning of the Chinese and Tibetan year of the wood snake.

Yin wood snake represents the embodied Divine Feminine who knows her worth, her power and her magic. Snake is deeply connected to Mama Earth. She moves intuitively, quietly and intentionally through the world.

Snake will observe all before making a decisive strike at the right moment. She is always evolving – shedding old skins for new ways of being.

Airy Full Moon in Aquarius

Full moon in airy Aquarius and change is in the air. Now is a great time to think about what you would like to shift or change about your life. Consider all your options – even the wild and whimsical ones.

We are still in a state of flux, so don’t make final plans yet – simply consider your options.


Art: Taking the Moon for a boat ride’
by DD Mclinnes

Card Draw for Aquarius Moon Cycle

Divination for the collective
drawn on January 21.

Raven – creation, magic, illumination
Bear – healing, divinity, invulnerability

Choose the card that calls to you. What word or words come up for you? What qualities of that animal do you possess?

The word that came up for me was cunning. This describes both Bear and Raven – although they express cunning quite differently.

Meditate or journey and ask what wisdom that animal holds that will help you navigate this month.



Cards Animal Spirits Knowledge Deck
Images painted by Susan Seddon Boulet.

Expansive Aquarian Moon

Pink Moon Over Water by Georgia O’Keeffe

Full moon in airy, expansive Aquarius.

What is calling to you now?

Look for signs, symbols and synchronicities. They are there to guide you towards a more expanded view of your world and your future.

Stop, look and listen closely. Wildness is calling.

Your guidance lies in moonlight. It reaches you with every raindrop. A gentle wind whispers deep wisdom.

Heed the call. The Universe is conspiring to help you.

New Moon in Aquarius

Getty Image

Airy Aquarius new moon tonight.

New moon, New slate.
Open to the energies of this dark moon and see what arises.
How does this new moon affect you?
Where are your thoughts and emotions leading you now?
What is your vision for ypur future?