Potent Full Moon in Aries

I went out into the dark,
the night was soft and full of its usual wonders,
but tonight, I wanted the Moon.

I raised my hand,
thinking I could hold its silver light,
thinking I could keep it close.

But it slipped away, as all wild things do,
leaving only its quiet glow on my palm—
a reminder that some gifts
are not for taking.

Still, I stood in its light,
content to listen,
to feel the world turning,
and to understand
that some beauty is meant only
to guide us home.

~Rivers in the Ocean on FB
Catching the Moon


Photo by NancyL

Net Of Light


“And if, when it is all over, I am asked what I did with my life,
I want to be able to say I offered LOVE .”
~Terri St. Cloud


In gratitude for the Ghost Ranch Net of Light Gathering September 2023.

Photo by NancyL

Wild Divination on the Gemini New Moon

King of Arrows – Kingfisher

This little bird with rainbow feathers, whether male or female, is always able to maintain balance in the air and on the water. With its remarkable ability to dive deep into the water to catch fish, the Kingfisher has become a symbol of ancient wisdom and education for centuries.

You need to practice your judgmental abilities, skills, and willpower. The King has always been very righteous and he will help you understand: what is something you don’t need to stick to. Use your strength, freeing yourself from the burden that is on you.

As someone in your life: Communicate clearly and fairly, this is a virtuous leader who is upholding standards. Impartiality and justice are the hallmarks of this person. His research and understanding are profound and well-known. He has a principled insight, which helps him see into the nature of all matters. He will present you with many potential prospects. He is someone who can properly identify and evaluate a situation.

As an aspect or process: Finding a path through the chaos with calm insight. Be very careful. Need reasonable consultation. Distinguish two sides of a situation. Find a clear stance. Become fair/biased. An urge to resist old practices.

As an event / situation: Advice/guidance. A trial or argument requires arbitration. Verified information. Disciplined approach. A harsh, ruthless situation

Question: What is it that you should explicitly focus on? Who gives you the right advice? What wise words will help resolve the situation? What is your social responsibility?

5 of Bows – Empowerment

Individuals believe they are not completely helpless anymore. Ultimately, individuals will be able to influence the outcome of every event and change perceptions. The control of any skill, along with the discipline, will energize the process of thinking more decisively and clearly. From there, the arrows of one’s desires and wishes will be shot at fate under a positive impact.

The time to create authority by taking initiative has come. By navigating positive, abundant, and important energies, the individual will help the mind become assertive, certain, and then utilize it to develop and change more effectively. This is not only true for an individual but also for society as a whole

.…Self-generating energy is the key to fulfill our destiny and a feeling of fullness in our hearts through an active and positive attitude towards life.

3 The Seer

Representing the inner world, The Seer is located in the center of The Wheel of The Year, opposite to The Shaman. She is not only a guide for the soul but also an inspiration for creative and artworks. Though ideas could arise on their own in a fanciful kingdom of delights and dreams, The Seer was the one who silently created great literary works, music, or dances. She makes emotional connections in books or pieces of music to life. She brings tears to each person’s eyelashes when a touching movie ends or laughter when a funny story is told.

With the innate ability to balance emotions and the power of will and source of knowledge, The Seer encourages us to change the ordinary material world. She uses all of The Wildwood’s natural resources skillfully. She nurtures positive changes in people’s minds, expresses through emotions and commitment to life. Her magic is one of the purest and most revered things on earth. 

This is the time to focus on your personal strength and let it flow through you. Emotional dreams and creative desires are ready to come true. Relieve the desire that is suppressing and healing your relationships. Now, if you apply your spiritual insight into the real world, you will receive great rewards because that’s the way we grow up. Besides, The Seer also brings creative stimulation in art, craft skills, mechanics, intelligence, and joy.

Cards drawn from
The Wildwood Tarot Deck

Full Moon in Airy Libra

In honor of the first full moon of spring…


Within this black hive to-night
There swarm a million bees;
Bees passing in and out the moon,
Bees escaping out the moon,
Bees returning through the moon,
Silver bees intently buzzing,
Silver honey dripping from the swarm of bees
Earth is a waxen cell of the world comb,
And I, a drone,
Lying on my back,
Lipping honey,
Getting drunk with silver honey,
Wish that I might fly out past the moon
And curl forever in some far-off farmyard flower.

~Jean Toomer




Art by Neil Thompson
available on Etsy

Virgo Earth Goddess Full Moon

Full moon in Virgo, the sign of the Earth Goddess / Priestess. This moon is sometimes called the worm moon. It is the closest full moon to spring equinox.

Here in the northern hemisphere, the ground is beginning to thaw and the worms are stirring. Mama Earth is waking up. Have faith. Spring is on its way.

Now is the perfect time to set intentions and make plans for spring.

What does your heart desire after the long, dark months? Shake off the cobwebs of winter and take a step or two towards your desire now.



Image from Queen of the Moon Oracle

Navigating by Moonlight – Capricorn New Moon Divination

Consider the words and images shared here.
Notice the feelings and thoughts that arise for you.
Use this information to gently guide your choices and focus.


2 cards drawn from Witches’ Wisdom Tarot Deck:

4 Moon
Mystery. Wildness. Physical instinct. Liberated feminine power

“There is a wildness within us that yearns to be physical, sensual, animal, free. But fear of this unknown part, of the shadows where it dwells, of where it might take us, has left us all only half alive…

Wildness is the only path to the moon. There is no need to dread the companions who will teach you how to shapeshift into hoof and horn, paw and claw, fur and feathers, fins and scales, bud and leaf and flower. Set your foot upon the silver path. The moon will light your way from fear to the fierce and freeing desires of your wild and natural self.”

4 of Water
Open your Heart. Grieve. Reach out. Rejoice

“Whale is a wise and compassionate being who will guide you through the currents of your feelings and show you how to live in a connected way. Invite them into your life. Journey, dream meditate, pray, study, visit with and volunteer for whale. Allow whale energy to move through you…

Let whale teach you to sing.”

2 cards drawn from The Wildwood Tarot Deck:

6 of Vessels

“Recognition of ancestral and reincarnation memory.”

5 of Bows

“The time of self empowerment by seizing the initiative is here.”



Image: the cards in the order they were drawn.

I No Longer Pray

An Offering to Earth , Sun and Moon

I no longer pray—
now I drink dark chocolate
and let the moon sing to me.

I no longer pray—
I let my ancestors dance
through my hips
at the slightest provocation.

I no longer pray—
I go to the river
and howl my ancient pain
into the current.

I no longer pray—
I ache, I desire,
I say “yes” to my longing.

I no longer pray as I was taught
but as the stars crawl
onto my lap like soft animals at nighttime
and God tucks my hair behind my ears
with the gentle fingers of her wind
and a new intimacy is uncovered in everything,
perhaps it’s that I’m finally learning
how to pray.

~Chelan Harkin


Image by NancyL